"Hello!" you called. 

Your face fell when you saw you sister and her fiancé and another guy who your mom was chatting to. You looked at the guy and flashed a light smile. 

"Hi Y/n." Your mom spied you and got up from the chair. 

She started walking towards you when she stopped as she spotted Bucky lingering behind you. You managed to restart your brain. 

You gave her a little wave. 

"Who's this?" She asked as she made her way to you. 

"This is Bucky." 

You stepped aside while Bucky stood there watching. 

"Her boyfriend." He blurted out as he smirked. 

Your mouth fell open and your sister choked on her drink while you dad smiled from the BBQ. The stranger looked you two over, giving Bucky the once over, puffing out his chest a little.

"Honey, you never told me you were dating anyone." Your mom looked between the two of you. 

You were starting to sweat. 

Bucky placed his arm around you and held you close. 

"It's new." You added. 

Your eyes roamed over the patio, and you looked at your dad who gave you a discreet thumbs up from the grill. 

"Hi Mrs. Y/l/n." Bucky introduced himself.

 "Yeah, mom, this is Bucky." You said again like a parrot. 

Bucky shook her hand and she nodded. Your mom introduced everyone to Bucky. 

"Y/n, this is "Patrick Wallington the third." Bucky snorted at the ridiculous name and offered his gloved left hand to him, and Patrick took it.

"Bucky, pleasure meeting you" Bucky nodded. 

You saw Patrick visibly wince as Bucky shook his hand. You squeezed Bucky's side as he let go of Patrick's hand. You knew he squeezed it a little too tight as Patrick shook his hand out, but it didn't seem to stop him. 

You've known of Patrick all your life, but you've never met him since you removed yourself from your parents shadow and social circles. You're glad you never wasted the opportunity to meet him since you can tell he's so full of himself. His family comes from old money and was always around your family on holidays, parties, and fundraisers. 

"What kind of name is Bucky anyways?" You heard Patrick snort. 

"It's a nickname." You glared at him.

You walked out onto the patio and your dad greeted you and hugged you. 

"Glad to see you peanut." He smiled. 

You returned his hug and he let go of you while he looked Bucky up and down, smiling. 

"Hello." He held his hand out and introduced himself to Bucky who politely shook his hand and smiled. 

Bucky stood close to you while your dad got the food from the grill. You chatted for a bit with Bucky excusing himself to make a quick phone call. You watched him quietly chat with whoever was on the line then he made his way back. 

"Sorry, work stuff" he whispered to you. 

Your sister got some of the sides out and another place setting for Bucky and you all sat down to eat with Bucky sitting unusually close to your left, placing his warm flesh hand on your thigh. 

"So, you live together?" Your sister asked. 

Your mind was mush thanks to that large paw on your leg. You clarified "Neighbours". 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now