Chapter 5

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The day after she moved into the estate, Hana met with Chan to establish what the timeline was for her to actually start work. She requested a little time to familiarize herself with not only her house, but also the people within it, and he gave her two weeks to adjust. It was far more than she thought she would need, in fact she had mentally given herself a week. She didn't want to get too comfortable doing nothing if she was really here to help this group of hybrids.

She was at her desk today, going over the notes from the last caretaker. Chan told Hana that one of the rooms in the hallway was the old caretaker's room, left mostly untouched. None of them had been in the room since he left, but Hana was welcome to go in and see what sort of papers he had left behind. She decided, for the sake of the house, she would wait and see how their relationships grew before stepping into what felt like a pain of the pack's past.

Instead she sat, hunched over the papers that Chan had given to her again, that showed the list and rotation of duties as divided by the last caretaker. He went about things in a much different way than Hana would, considering the rotation of the specialists that Chan had called in and hired. Then again, it stood to reason that they hadn't been in the picture at the time.

She was in the middle of sorting out the rotation of weekly tasks alongside the daily ones when there was a quiet knock on the door. Hana sighed, straightening up in the chair as she stretched her back out.

"Come in!" Hana heard Jeongin clear his throat before she saw him. She smiled at him and gave him a wave. She had had a bit of a difficult time connecting with Jeongin since arriving at the estate. He was close with the rest of the pack, that was clear in the way they doted on him. But he had thus-far kept his distance with Hana, so she was surprised to see him there. "Oh, hi Jeongin. How are you doing?"

"I'm pretty good. Um..." he paused, still standing in the doorway. "I was going to be spending time in the living room, and wondered if you wanted to join me. It's nice to have company when you're working, you know? Usually Lee Know Hyung sits with me but he's volunteering today, so I thought it might be nice for you to join me?"

"Sure, uh... lemme gather up some of my things and then I'll be down." Jeongin gave her a bright smile as he turned and closed the door behind him. Hana rushed a bit to get her her things and made her way into the living room.

Jeongin was already sitting on one of the loveseats, his legs stretched out on the length of it and a stack of books beside him. Hana took a seat opposite him in the u-shaped configuration of plush furniture, on a couch close enough to the coffee table that she could reach.

"We have some tray tables if you look to the left of the fireplace." Hana walked over and sure enough, some elegant tray tables were stacked against the wall, out of the way.

"Thanks, this will make things a lot easier."

"We have a few people who like to take notes or draw during house meetings so Minho hyung made them for us to be able to use." Hana looked over the table, impressed.

"Wow. It's really well designed and crafted."

"Well the design is thanks to Seungmin hyung. He's the one who handles the engineering of the more complex projects. They have a shed in the backyard near the garden where Minho hyung keeps his equipment." Jeongin chuckled. "The first time Minho hyung started doing woodwork here, he was making a table leg and Seungmin got too excited about it and stole the leg. He ran around with it in his mouth in his dog form, it was hilarious!" Hana grinned, imagining the sight of a humanoid Lee Know furiously chasing a puppy Seungmin. "To this day, if Seungmin brings up table legs Minho gets moody."

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