Chapter 2

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The Estate was a little ways away, so the boys offered Hana a ride in their car. Minho had driven, and Felix gave her the seat in the back so she could have a little distance. Once they got in the car, both boys untucked their shirts, unfurling their tails which they had wrapped around themselves. A precaution in case she had been more prejudiced than she had let on in her initial contact, Hana guessed.

The buildings as they drove started to spread out, more and more space in between homes that seemed to grow larger as they passed by. Felix must have been watching her as she stared out the window.

"It's not too far out of town, here. I know we're going to be farther out than you're used to, but I'm sure Chris could lend you a car if you need one." Hana came to understand that Chris was the one who owned the estate, and apparently was much better off than anyone she'd met before. He had to be, if he had a practical mansion and multiple cars at his disposal.

When they pulled up to a large, metal gate Hana gasped. There was a security box and everything. Minho reached over to the console of the car, pulling out a keycard. He waved it in front of the box and the gate opened. Hana never imagined she'd be one to live in a gated community, but then again she never imagined herself considering living with a house full of Hybrids. Neither was necessarily bad, but neither seemed within the realm of possibility for her until a few hours ago.

Felix turned in his seat to look at her. "I think everyone's home, we asked them to be anyway, but that doesn't always happen." He grinned. "I'll show you around the place, introduce you to the pack and we'll see what they think." His face grew somber. "I will warn you, it's a mutual agreement between all of us if you're gonna be staying with us, since it's a live-in position. If you or any of the members feel uncomfortable, it's an automatic no." Hana nodded, looking back out the window, suddenly feeling the pressure of making a good first impression.

"God, Felix, there's no need to make it sound like life and death." Minho rolled his eyes. "If you managed to get the okay from me, the rest shouldn't have that much of an issue with you." He brought the car to a stop at the end of the long driveway. Four other cars sat in front of the house. The older man turned around, giving Hana a reassuring nod. "You'll be fine, just try to stay calm and open to the situation. Hybrids can smell fear, you know." He gave a sarcastic grin and left the car before she could respond.

"And he says I'm the one stressing you out." Felix rolled his eyes and chuckled deeply. "You ready?" Taking a deep breath, Hana nodded, exiting her way out of the car.

The door to the house was elaborate, carved wood that depicted a host of animals interspersed with natural settings and elements. It was solid, and she wondered if she'd be able to open it on her own. Felix moved toward a keypad on the handle, typing in the code without looking.

"When we enter I'm pretty sure Seungmin will be waiting for us, but don't let him startle you. He has this thing about being the one to greet new people." The blonde smiled at her.

"Greet isn't the word I would choose." Minho responded, quite ominously, and she started to get nervous again. His eyes shot over to her as he crossed his arms. "Hey, what did I tell you about staying calm?" She looked at him, startled. How had he noticed so quickly her change in emotion? Could his sensitive ears hear the sound of her beating heart? "Seungmin tries to look tough at first but he's a softy." Hana couldn't help but grin. It sounded a lot like Minho himself.

Sure enough, as the door opened a dog came bounding down the main staircase, transforming into a young man at the last step. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, his arms crossed. His eyes scanned the new girl up and down, and Hana resisted the urge to turn around and walk back out of the door.

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