Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Riddle is staring at you," Olivia said quietly as they stood outside Potions class the day after, waiting for Professor Snape to let them into the classroom for their next lesson. "Again," She added, sounding amused.

Emerson sighed in annoyance. Her back was facing him, so she couldn't see anything but she knew that Olivia was telling the truth. Ever since their interaction, if you could call it that, before Herbology class the day before, he had been staring at her with his dead-panned eyes whenever their paths crossed. Whether it was during meal times or in the hallway, his eyes always found her. It had been 24-hours of him staring at her, without any words being spoken.

Frustratingly enough for him, her eyes never found his. She couldn't know this, but it was driving him insane. In turn, it made him stare at her more and more. She was like a drug to him that wasn't giving him the high that he needed, so he kept trying to dive into it for more and more.

She felt like a gazelle roaming through the forest, and he was a tiger, preying on her and watching every move before striking. The only difference was that she was never going to give in to him and become his prey. She just hoped that it would become too tiresome for him, and he would just give up with his undivided attention on her.

Emerson did not want to associate with Mattheo. She did not want to even acknowledge that he ever existed, even with lingering gazes. For her, her life would be better off by acting as if he were dead to her. His father killed Cedric, and she could never want to be around the son of her boyfriend's murderer.

Perhaps it was wrong of her to blame the child of a parent's mistake. Mattheo wasn't the one who actually used the curse on Cedric, and it was very possible that he never truly knew about it. But, she didn't care and she would never try and find out the answer either. To her, Mattheo was exactly as guilty for Cedric's death as his father. He might've as well as said the killing curse. She held him equally as accountable.

Olivia found the entire thing between Mattheo and Emerson entertaining. It never happened before. As she repeatedly told her in a quiet voice during Herbology while they worked with Chinese Chomping Cabbages, Mattheo Riddle was never rejected by anyone. Olivia somehow knew the stories of some girls who previously had fallen into a fling with Mattheo, so she knew that he was never turned down by anyone. What was more than that, he was never ignored by anyone.

If Emerson continued to ignore him, she would be the first.

She was starting to regret ignoring him completely, because he was now staring at her always with that insane look which made anyone feel like he was watching your soul. She wished she swore at him or said something bold and harsh like she did with Draco, which would've cut off his attention in her completely. He wasn't even embarassed by his constant staring either, which was surprising for a Slytherin who was devoting his attention to a Ravenclaw, of all people. You would think that he would much rather direct his attention to someone who actually responded to his actions in the way that he wanted, or was 'worthy' of his attention. Then again, according to Olivia, Mattheo did not chase girls.

She assumed that it was some sort of plot or plan to make her suffer more than she had already done. Like father, like son, she couldn't help but think to herself. She assumed that he was merely getting on her nerves and playing with her so she was constantly reminded of the fact that his father killed Cedric. If that were the case, he was truly as evil as his father. It was a horrible plan.

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