Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The following morning, Emerson waited in the Common Room for Olivia once more, after a broken and disturbing sleep again with images of Cedric's death

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The following morning, Emerson waited in the Common Room for Olivia once more, after a broken and disturbing sleep again with images of Cedric's death. She decided to take a leaf out of Olivia's book and applied soft makeup to hide the tiredness under her eyes. Her hair was out of her face and tied up in a ponytail as she continued to reread How to Kill a Mockingbird, trying to force herself to feel less tired in preparation of her second day of school.

She didn't wait too long for Olivia to get up. She was ready to go down to breakfast earlier today. She clearly managed her early morning routine better when she wasn't worried about her appearance in an attempt to try and impress George. She needn't have to worry though, George clearly liked her – Emerson was sure of it. Nonetheless, her hair was perfectly curled again once more, and she decided to apply makeup again.

"Did you sleep okay Em?" Olivia asked during breakfast, noticing the way that her friend yawned. She passed her a cup of freshly-made coffee.

"The same," Emerson shrugged, taking the cup gratefully. "I put on makeup today to make it less obvious that I'm only getting three to four hours of sleep at night. I hope it worked."

"It suits you, although you don't actually need it. You're naturally pretty," Olivia smiled, placing a pancake on her plate. "We have double Transfiguration this morning."

As she was drinking her coffee, allowing it to warm her body during the early morning, she couldn't help but overhear a conversation between the three other girls in their year level, Padma Patil, Sarah Pearce and Harmony Jones, who were sitting nearby. The three girls were always gossiping, which was the reason why Emerson and Olivia barely associated with them, because they hated gossip. They didn't have anything in common with them, other than the fact that they shared a dormitory together. She barely paid much attention, until she heard them mention a certain name, which made her ears prick up.

"I mean, it wouldn't be the first time that Potter lied about something for attention," Sarah pointed out. Emerson couldn't help but frown, even though she wasn't actually friends with Harry Potter. She shouldn't care but she disagreed with them completely. Whatever they were talking about, Harry wasn't a liar or an attention-seeker. He had been through more than any of them. He didn't choose to be the Boy-Who-Lived. If Harry had the choice, he would've much preferred that his parents were still alive. There is nothing positive that he could possibly achieve by telling lies. She tried to ignore them, but they kept talking.

"Honestly, I think the Daily Prophet was right about him. He is delusional. He's just making it all up so he can be on the front page again, since the Triwizard Tournament ended. Cedric died because of the Tournament, he didn't need to try and say You-Know-Who is back as well" Harmony snorted. Olivia looked at Emerson in alarm, knowing that she would not react well to this conversation. She expected her to be upset at the mention of his name, but it was quite the opposite. Emerson slammed her empty coffee cup on the table harshly and glared at the three girls dangerously. She thought she heard them incorrectly for a second, giving them the benefit of the doubt and allowing them to keep talking without interruption.

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