Chapter 5 - All That Remains

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It should be understood that none of the quotes that follow are first-hand accounts, but the work of much study, archeological and historical research, and educated supposition by the Covenant's archival prefects and their most accomplished apostles. Additionally, the following passages may not be entirely accurate as they weren't transcribed as they were thought to be spoken. They've been translated here for ease of reading. Because of this, unfortunately, some things may be lost in the translation from the original Ångëlįc to common.

Translated passages will be indicated by the use of bold print.


Selected Verses from the Afua Maisha: The Holy Book of the Covenant

The Goddess' Holy Book; the Afua Maisha
The Queen Aamina Translation
The First Book of V'ëħënå – Chapter 2 – Verse 3

(III.) She looked at me. Sadness and Joy weighing in Her heart and reflecting in Her eyes in equal measure. And I knew not what I should do. Console? Support? Smile?

(IV.) So I simply stood there. Silent in my war barding. Each of my longswords resting in their scabbards to either side of me on my flanks; laying heavily in my weariness against my flanchards.

(V.) "You think it finally over V'ëħënå?"

(VI.) "You'd know far better than I, my Lady. But by Your name, I hope so. I wish not to draw my blade against any more of my kin."

(VII.) "Nor I mine. Every strike against my dearest Så'Ħdënåħ has been as a stake being driven into my own heart."

(VIII.) "And against Lumå'įl?"

(IX.) "Far, far worse."

The Goddess' Holy Book; the Afua Maisha
The Queen Aamina Translation
The First Book of V'ëħënå – Chapter 3 – Verse 1

(I.) The Goddess turned her back to me. Though not in malice. In deep thought. And it was there that we stood for an eternity of moments before She returned Her gaze, and I bowed in reverence.

(II.) "What would you have me do my Lady?"

(III.) "I would ask that you fetch Mįssħåël, Zåkÿntħos and my dear Sånįgron to me. I would have them meet with me at the cathedras. There's something that I'll need to do and I'll require their council."

(IV.) "If it's to be of such import, would you care for it to be documented in the annals?"

(V.) "I suppose that would be prudent. Send for Ëkon as well."

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