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Important Pronunciations

Åålįÿåħ (ah·lee·yah) – Youngest daughter of King Samahdemn. Princess of the Promised Lands. Known by her subjects as The People's Princess.

Åkårmåuru (Acar·more·rue)One of the Celestial Orders of the Ångëls; the Goddess' majesty made manifest.

Alphava (Al·fave·ha)Southern half of the world's largest joined continent. Cultural melting pot and part of the center of world trade.

Amalgamate (A·mal·ga·mate) – A living technological symbiont which are created and bred by the swalii for insertion into their bodies.

Åmbrosįå (Am·broh·zua)The Goddess; creator of the universe and all of its infinite complexities.

Ångël (An·gel) – A being created directly by the hand of the Goddess.

Assami (Azz·a·my)Ancient homeland of the malani; typically they lean towards straight black hair racially. Almond or upturned eyes of a generally dark colour and thin noses and representing a wide variety of skin tones. It's also home to the fair skinned balani, who are straight haired with a number of lighter hair shades. They tend to have rounded, light coloured eyes, thin noses, thin lips and less curvaceous bodies than most other humans. Assami is also home to the fox-like ma'jong.

Audaux (Au·dux) – The massive, uninhabited planet which partially fills the sky during the night that Mundus revolves around.

Båståru (Bas·ta·ru)One of the Celestial Orders of the Ångëls; the messengers.

Båståru-Ëkåru (Basta·ru Ek·a·ru)One of the Celestial Orders of the Ångëls; the warriors.

Bëåtįfįc (Bee·ah·tiff·ick)The rare offspring of two Ångëlįcs bonding sexually. As mating between Ångëlįcs does not easily lend itself to pregnancy for reasons known only to Åmbrosįå Herself, the birth of a Bëåtįfįc is an exceedingly rare, but joyous occurrence among the Dįvonësë.

Brŭmal (Bru·mall)The Dæmönic Realm; seat of power for the Fallen.

Ċwjv Bwhvő (Ka·wav Bwa·vo) – Known as the Transference of the Soul, its literal translation is "life given". It's a ritual by which a Drågon's Soul is freely gifted to a faithful and trusted friend or companion them in order to birth a Drågoon so that they may continue on in their stead. This is most usually done when a Drågon sees that their death is near.

Ċwjv Dgfvő (Ka·wav Dug·vo) – Known as the Dark Transference of the Soul, its literal translation is "life taken". It's a ritual by which a Drågon's soul is ripped from them in order to birth a Dark Drågoon.

Dæmön (Day·men) – The soul of a mortal damned to the frozen wastes of Brŭmal for eternity for misdeeds in life.

Dįvįnįtÿ (Da·vin·a·tee)Beings or places that have qualities that are associated with the Goddess.

Dįvonësë (Di·vonese) – The Goddess, Gods and all beings directly created by them; beings that can directly claim a Dįvįnë birthright.

Drågon (Drag·on) – Ancient and massive creature of untold power bestowed with the Goddess' gifts. Forbearers of the Magi race.

Drågoon (Drag·oohn) – A mortal (or seeming immortal, such as one of the eluvian), who has taken into themselves the soul of a dragon; being granted not only life everlasting, but all of that drågon's memories and gifts.

Eluvian (El·lou·v·an)Human colloquialism used when someone is referring to the entire diaspora of elven kind.

Ëmpÿrë (Em·pre) – The Dįvįnë Plains; seat of power for the Ångëls.

Ërëwħon (Air·rue·hun)The Valley of the Palace of Dįvįnįty in the land of Sun's Height; the fourth region of the Dįvįnë Realm. The seat of the Goddess.

Ëskdskurån (Esc·koran)One of the Celestial Orders of the Ångëls; the Goddess' will made manifest.

Færię (Fair·ee)Færięs are a race of tiny winged humanoids said to be birthed of magick itself. The fae-folk are also believed to make their home in the branches and among the leaves of the Goddess' Tree. Much of this speculation comes from the elf races and their fellow fae-kin, the fauns, who are the only peoples that færięs interact with. Leading many to question if the race of beings actually exists or if they're faunish myths or creatures born of flights of eluvian fantasy.

Fåsåru (Fasa·ru)One of the Celestial Orders of the Ångëls; the protectors of faith.

Glaive (Gleiv) Specialized swords that are constructed and used exclusively by joined swalii who are members of the Knighthood; controlled and powered by their amalgamates. It uses Hesijuan technology to control plasma which can be used to coat the blade for cutting, propel the blade for harder cleaving or be expelled from the sword's barrel like a firearm.

Hesijua (His·zis·ju·ya)Homeland of the technologically advanced swalii; a dark-skinned people with living machines in their bodies that they are born capable of receiving, but do so only if chosen on or about their tenth name day. Said to be the first race born of mankind from the fruit of the Goddess's tree. Typically born with rounded or downturned eyes of dark hues, their hair by-and-large is kinky in shades of black and brown. Wide nosed and thick lipped. Their women are widely considered to be the world's most beautiful due in no small part to the voluptuousness of their thicc builds.

Heka (Hick·uh) – The colloquial term adopted from the Magi referring to magick and its nature. It is also widely used on The Link to refer to the Goddess.

Įcħor-Nåbįlå (Ick·or Na·ba·la) – The surname of the Goddess, the first God and their Dįvįnë child.

Iŀċvŀ ij dkv Úęiiċ (Il·si·vil delv U·ick) – Drågon-speak for Order of the Blood; a knighted order of specialized warriors native to the lands of Hesijua.

Isilivere (I·saa·liv·er·raa) A silver-looking metal that takes on an onyx shade when the light strikes it from certain angels. Nearly supernatural in strength and resiliency; it's found too deep within the earth for humans and most mer to reach. Save for the dwarves who exclusively mine it. They are also the only race with the skill and furnaces hot enough to forge it. Leading it to being a very highly sought after but very expensive metal. Jewelry, tools and weapons forged from it are prohibitively expensive and are usually only obtained by or related to royals.

Kazakoto (Kaza·ko·to)Northern half of the world's largest joined continent. Cultural melting pot and part of the center of world trade. Home of the snowfall race of eluvian.

Khanas (Ki·nas) – Homeland of the dwalli; former swalii who rebelled against the technological advancement of the race, refusing to integrate living technology into their bodies, and separated from Hesijua during The Exodus. Physically akin to Africans/African-Americans in real life.

Kolumbkį (Ku·lumb·ki) – One of the Celestial Orders of the Ångëls; the workers of miracles and bestowers of valor.

Lumå'įl (lum·na·ill) – The first God. Most beautiful and powerful of the Goddess' creations. Her lover and father to the Princess of Princesses, Sååråħ. Architect of the Great Rebellion and king of the Fallen Ångëls.

Ma'Jong (Ma·jong) – A once independent and proud, but now subservient, fox-like slave race of people.

Magisterium (Mag·i·steer·e·um) – The ruling body of The Link and the undisputed authority of the Mages.

Murrlel (Murre·el) – Homeland of the fair skinned slatani; a slender people most normally fair skinned with straight, black coloured hair and piercing black eyes that tend to either be hooded or monolid. They are thin of lip with narrow, sometimes buttoned noses and are otherwise graced with soft facial features.

Nëpħįlįm (Nef·a·leem) – Mixed offspring who are the result of a union between Dįvonësë beings (usually Drågons or Ångëls, but sometimes Fallen), and worldly beings.

Pårålu (Par·a·lu) One of the Celestial Orders of the Ångëls; the bringers of order.

Så'Ħdënå (Sa·ha·da·un·na) – Dįvįnë daughter of the Goddess and the "first" sunset elf.

Sånįgron (San·e·gron) – The Drågon God; second God created by the Goddess to rule over the Dråconic race.

Transubstantiation (Tran·sub·stan·she·a·tion) – The process by which an Ångëlic being loses their Dįvįnë birthright and becomes mortal.

Zachary (Zack·a·re) – Homeland of the orcs, eluvian of both the sunrise and grove varieties and the original home of the Tree of Life.

Zåståru (Zas·ta·ru) – One of the Celestial Orders of the Ångëls; the representatives of sovereignty and goodness and the guardians of inspiration.

Zåståru-Måpånol (Zas·ta·ru Ma·pa·nol)One of the Celestial Orders of the Ångëls; the voice of the Goddess and rulers of the elemental domains.

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