Chapter 3 - The Ten and Five Year Wars

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It should be understood that none of the quotes that follow are first-hand accounts, but the work of much study, archeological and historical research, and educated supposition by the Covenant's archival prefects and their most accomplished apostles. Additionally, the following passages may not be entirely accurate as they weren't transcribed as they were thought to be spoken. They've been translated here for ease of reading. Because of this, unfortunately, some things may be lost in the translation from the original Ångëlįc to common.

Translated passages will be indicated by the use of bold print.


Selected Verses from the Afua Maisha: The Holy Book of the Covenant

The Goddess' Holy Book; the Afua Maisha
The Queen Aamina Translation
The Book of Ululations – Chapter 10 – Verse 5

(V.) And so it was that with much sadness that Sånįgron approached Åmbrosįå as She stood in thought upon the fields of Omëÿocån just beyond the grand Ërëwħon Basilica. But there was very little that needed to be said.

(VI.) She knew His heart before He even spoke it.

(VII.) "We've lost far too many in the forests of Zachary since Athel fell and we lost our dearest Ëszërį."

(VIII.) "Yes, we have my queen. Worse still, the Towers of the Green have just fallen to the Drågoon Dåÿvįåd; just east of the Valley of the Tree along the Rivers of the Mountains."

(IV.) The towers of which He spoke were the epicenter of a vast eluvian city at the northern border of the Forest of the Tree of Life; home of the titular evergreen itself. These were dire tidings indeed. And The Lady of Ladies seemed as if She were at a loss as to what to do. "So the final safeguard falls between my lover and our gates. The assistance of their allies was for naught. Our other victories against this onslaught mean little if this force is still allowed to spill blood on the roots of the tree. We will have lost, and once again, the peaceful souls of Ëmpÿrë shall know war."

(X.) "You said as much would be the case my Lady."

(XI.) "Yes. Yet I hoped against it nonetheless."

The Goddess' Holy Book; the Afua Maisha
The Queen Aamina Translation
The Book of Ululations – Chapter 11 – Verse 1

(I.) "I fear that we can grant only but a scant few more Ångëls for the fray. Many more and we risk leaving Ëmpÿrë's gates exposed should the worst come to pass."

(II.) There was scant little hesitation in Her voice when She finally responded to Him. Resolute in Her decision. "Call upon Mįssħåël and have him fall upon them with a thunder of our Drågons. I'll see this insanity ended. Far too long has it persisted."

(III.) If shock could be a physical thing, it's said that the First Drågon would have been knocked head over foot by it. "Are you certain we should do something that drastic? Should we not keep him and such a number of Drågons here for your defense? What would happen were we to lose them?"

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