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Meanwhile at Bright's house

Win was still little bit dull even though Bright reassured him

Bright : Win I'll go take a shower and come back

Win : hmm...okay

Bright takes a shower and comes back to the room and sees Win was still dull so Bright went forward and kissed Win

Win kissed him back but pulled out within a few seconds

Win : sorry Bright...but I'm not in the mood today

Bright : are you ok Win...? If not you can talk to me about it

Win : no Bright....I'm ok..I'm just tired and not in the mood to do it

Bright : ok then if you're not in the mood I won't force you. But atleast can we cuddle?

Win : um...ok...I guess...

Bright kisses Win on the forehead and tucks him in and lays beside him. They both cuddle together and go to sleep

The next day morning at James's house

Net : dino...wake up it's 7 AM

James : just two more minutes teerak

Net : we're gonna be late...

James : ok....

Net : can I have a morning kiss?

James : sure teerak...

James gives a peck on Net's cheek

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James gives a peck on Net's cheek

Net blushes and rolls on the bed

James chuckles on his cuteness

James : what happened?

Net : your kiss gave me so much energy

James : ok now with that same energy go take a shower and get ready for school

Net : sure my master

Net goes to take a shower in another room and James takes a shower in his room

Net takes a shower and gets ready and came downstairs to see that James still wasn't there so he went to James's room to check on him

Net : dino are you ready yet

He sees that James was applying makeup on his neck and collar bone

Net : what happened? Why are you applying makeup? You don't normally wear makeup right?

James : it's all because of you!!! All your bite marks and hickeys are visible. I'm covering them

Net : it's all because of me?!?! Yeah yeah I was the one saying " Net don't stop give me more" last night ...right?

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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