Truth- Stepfather Sirius Black x Stepdaughter Reader(Smut)

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"My turn!" you laughed waiting for your friends to ask.

"Truth or dare?" your best friend asked as she took another handful of popcorn.

"Truth," you decided awaiting your question.

"Who do you fancy?"

Your cheeks flushed pink, as you felt your body warm at the question, ashamed of the truth but there was nothing you couldn't trust your best friend with.

"Be honest," she laughed trying to wipe away the shame.

"Okay! Okay!" you laughed, "Honestly..." you played with the hem of your pajama pants, "I fancy Sirius."

"Your stepfather?" Shock laced her face, she looked confused or disgusted, maybe both.

"Yes okay, my stepfather whatever," you shrugged, "Truth or dare?" You did your best to get the attention off of you but it was not working, she still looked as if she was trying to figure it all out. You did not think it was that hard to understand, he was not your real father, you have known him for a long time but he was always just a friend of your mum's before. You had a secret crush on him for the longest time, it was out of your control.

"Girls?" There was a knock at the door and a voice behind it that you knew belonged to Sirius. Your heart sank into your stomach. Worries flooded your mind, what if he had heard you? Then what? Your best friend shot you an uneasy look and waited for you to speak up.

"Come in," you called out nervously playing with your hands.

"Hello ladies," Sirius chuckled and sat down a tray with milkshakes and snacks for the two of you. "Y/n, mummy went out with her friends tonight. She won't be back until the morning, but if you need anything I'll be in my office working okay?"

"Okay thanks," you did your best to brush him off.

"Thank you for the snacks Mr. Black, it's lovely," your best friend stepped in, she was trying not to laugh at you but Sirius was just left confused.

"Uh-huh," he nods "I don't know what you are on but don't tell me then I have to call your parents," he said to your best friend before kissing the top of your head. "Behave you two, I don't want to deal with the consequences."

"Yes, Sirius, please go," you groaned. He chuckled and left, closing the door behind himself.

"He didn't act like he heard you," she pointed out.

"I know but what if he did? What if he tells my mum!" You couldn't help but worry while your friend began to stuff her face with the snacks your stepfather brought in.

"You worry too much," she shrugged.

The two of you ate snacks and watched movies all night. Your best friend fell asleep before you went downstairs to get a glass of water. Keeping your footsteps light and quiet as you walked down the stairs you found Sirius sitting at the kitchen table with a bunch of papers sprawled before him.

"Hey love, what are you doing up?" He smiled at you sleepily.

"Thirsty," you smiled awkwardly and continued to fill your glass.

"Tired?" He asked, watching your every movement.

"No, but you are," you pointed out bringing him a glass of water and placing it gently on the table hoping not to spill any on the papers.

"I am," he chucked and patted the seat closest to him, "Can we talk?" Oh my god. This was it, you were going to have to sit there and be humiliated.

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