sneaker con-ing? what a lame gig!

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daniel watches you scrutinize his latest gift to you with a strange look in his eyes. As he promised, he's brought you a little keychain every day since Yui's last interaction, no more than a couple of coins in a gotcha arcade game he would pass on his way home.

"no- this one's ugly, it doesn't count" you mumble sadly, entering your classroom with a disgustingly misshaped giraffe keychain, the thing looked at you with pleading boba eyes, begging to be put out of its misery

"Well, to be fair there aren't many left at the store in my area... I already gave you all the ones I thought you'd like..." Daniel mumbles to himself, looking off to the side thoughtfully, scratching his head while he does

"no, forget it. any more key chains and I'll have nowhere to put them anyways" you sigh senselessly, shaking your head. setting the ugly giraffe down, you notice an unusual exchange in front of your and Daniel's desk.

a funny happening recently was watching Zack try and fix his reputation as a bully.

he would smile, laugh, crack jokes, and even pat people's shoulders in a friendly manner, he was pulling all the right moves it was just the fact it was him though that ruined any potential progress.

you recognize the boy speaking with Zack to be Namsoo, one of the more popular people in the class, had it not been for his painfully average... well everything, he would actually be pretty cool.  unluckily though he was stuck in class with people like Zack, Mira, Zoe Daniel, and even Jay.

"You're pretty good at Craigslist shopping and crap like that, right?" Zack asks sheepishly, grinning "I'm no good at that stuff so, help me out will ya?"

even you shiver from Zack's polite manner, just by glancing at Namsoo you can tell he had taken Zack's request as an order, one from some higher being that should he fail he probably assumed Zack would put an end to his life, permanently.

when the boy walks away in a daze, you glance over at Zack, it's easier when Daniel has yet to take his seat and was still standing "You suck at being nice..." you mutter dryly, returning your attention to setting your stuff down and getting comfortable in your seat. daniel smiles awkwardly from behind you, unsure if now is a good time to sit or wait till you and Zack inevitably finish your fight.

Zack however flinches from your bluntness, growling under his breath with a glare "What the hell are you talking about, Mira said I'm as kind as a nun"

you roll your eyes, biting back a teasing grin "Did she also tell you she was in love with you and wanted to get married on the spot? Because I'm pretty sure that's all the making of a sad dream" you remark. zack huffs, leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest. from your spot, you can't help but be reminded of a pouting child.

sighing you put your notebooks down "Are you sure you should be trusting Namsoo with your money? he's not a bad kid but..." you trail off, observing the boy with his two friends who, for the most part, were known for being pretty rude id not judgmental. again, Namsoo wasn't a bad kid but definitely hung around pretty snobbish and rude people.

Zack shrugs, his mean glare dropping slightly "I don't mind, the only other option is to do it myself and end up scammed either way."

you can't help but agree, shrugging nonchalantly as you revise your homework.

you worked for.... well, not very long.

'Someone staring...' you think to yourself nervously. heated eyes bore holes into your head, it was intimidating. the worst part was, that you had no clue who was trying to blast a hole through your skull.

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