Chapter 4: What is your name?

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The sun rose like an angel.                                                                                            The walk was awfully quiet, I could literally hear the silence, it was extremely awkward since we both had  too much on our minds to talk or anything. For example: Why is he helping me? What is Dead Man's Will? And who was Ruby talking to on the phone? 

Actually even with all the questions I was given, the one I wanted to know most was really stupid.                                                                                           I watched a lot of spy movies and from what I've seen, they never use their real name. If that was the same for Ruby's job that means that Ruby isn't his real name. So what was his real name? 

"Ruby" was being more strict now, I think he thinks it's my fault he got fired. Even though it was his choice to take me in I still felt bad for accepting it, what if his job was all he had?

My thoughts were cut off from a tap on the shoulder from "Ruby", he looked more calm than he first did.

"We're here."
I looked toward his place, it was a empty desert, there was literally nothing here other than sand and more sand.

I open my snout before "Ruby" puts his paw over it, cutting me off.

"Just watch."                                                                                                                              He waved a stick he pulled out of thin air and a sapphire circle appeared, opening, revealing the inside of a house of some sort.                                                                                                                                          

I felt a smile ting to my face as I was filled with fascination and wonder.

"You need to teach me what this magic is so I can understand what it can do. Cause something tells me it can do more than this!" I look over my shoulder and see a smile appear on "Ruby"'s face, it almost makes me smile again myself.

We stepped into the portal and looked around to study his living space, it looked less refined than I expected out of a royal family.                              He had two hammocks hanging from a steel pole that went up to the sky. It was so weird, he had no ceiling but the sky was pitch black, the walls looked more like tent fabric and were very cramped. He had a desk full of papers that he quickly put away, there was a computer next to one of the hammocks (probably his) and a TV in the back-middle of everything.

"This is great! I honestly haven't slept in so long!" I hopped onto the bed at light speed while "Ruby" scoffs.

At this point I'm tired of calling him "Ruby" It's now  getting annoying to wonder what his name is each time I refer to him as anything.

"Hey "Ruby" what is your real name anyway? You did say you were gonna tell me if I survived yesterday."                                                                           He looked up from his phone with an annoyed look. "You'll learn my name when I tell you it mutt." He snarled, glaring directly at me.           

"Now listen sir, if you're gonna basically kidnap me and bring me into this Is it really a problem to know your name? I mean it's the least you can do for I don't know, TRYING TO KILL ME!?"

"Ruby" hung his head down, he looked very stressed or in thoughts for some reason.

"Excuse me?

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