Chapter 1: Déjà vu

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"Roger get back!" 

The feeling was so sudden, it was almost like drowning in a puddle, I don't know what was happening but I saw another German shepherd dog flying out of smoke, he looked very familiar.

'Is that me? If that is who am I? '

I have been getting these dreams more often ever since I went to a bar the other day, maybe I was drunk or something but this dream was different from the normal ones. For one thing I know it's a dream, usually I never realize it's a dream 'till the end, but with these I know it's a dream right when it starts. Second, I remember them when I wake up and It's been the same dream constantly, ending and starting like a broken record.

The contents of this dream were very confusing, a German shepherd leaping out of a smoking boat which appears to be in a battlefield, and the ending always confused me. The German shepherd appears to shoot lightning out of a sword he was holding, it always struck near me and that's when I usually wake up.

This time I was able to look around for a second...

There was only one other dog near me, it was a adorable looking Beagle who was frantically trying to get me to safety.


The lightning struck and I was out cold...

I woke up more calmly than I did other times, with just a small rise into stroking my eyes to get me to wake up. The more I wake up the more I become unfamiliar with my bedroom. This time I took a look around to look at my sleeping space. 

It was small, about 15 by 15 feet in base, with a height of about 10 feet. My bookshelves (that I only use to impress Pan) were all neatly placed at the side of my bed with a TV in front of the bed.  It was a small little spot but it works for me at least.

"Should I tell Pan about these dreams?" Pan was probably the nicest dog in town! She was a Golden terrier who always knew how to make me happy. No seriously I'm pretty sure if her deeds were noticed she would've gotten TWO noble peace prizes.

I didn't have a car so I had to walk to her bakery. As I walked, I took in the town's atmosphere, it was still as bright as it usually was, the welcoming sign of "Welcome to Cyris!" still leaning heavily.

'Who thought up the name Cyris anyway?!'

... Sorry? 

The welcoming 'ching!' of the door almost always startled me when I entered Pan's bakery.

"Why hello," Pan kindly greeted me and waved her hand to sit next to her. "Usually you only come here when you need something or you need to talk about something." 

I look at her using my smug smile as always, it is a very good charm.

"Oh come one Pan, name one time I've come here in need of something."

Pan cocks her head in an "oh really?" look before she started talking.

"Do you really want me to list them? Well let's start, first there was the time you got drunk, the time you almost gambled your life savings, the time where you got caught trying to steal from some rich dude, the ti-"

"OK OK I get it, I need you but isn't that a good thing?" Pan put on her warm smile that I seemed to always melt in when seeing.

"I guess you can say that. Hey why don't I take you out somewhere?" Pan slightly blushed as I laughed. "You asking me on a date? Sure, what place?"

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