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Regie's POV

It has been 3 weeks. 3 WEEKS, and Oliver hasnt only been ignoring me, but everyone in the house. He's even ignoring Sebastian....his own brother. The last time ive seen him was in my bedroom and he had gotten off the phone with Izzy. The way he looked at me after he got off the phone with her was terrible. What was so bad that he wasnt even talking to Seb. What did he hear from her that made him look like he just saw the most tramatic thing on earth. Its like the life was sucked out of his body at that moment. What the fuck did Izzy do. WHAT THE FUCK DID SHE DO TOO HIM. This is all of the bitches fault and now i dont even know where he is to talk too him about it and try to find out what happened.

Everybody in the house is worried. Sebastian, Ryan, Justin, Kane, Darren, Manager Ty, Bae, Angel, Me- EVERYBODY. I just want to kill that bitch. I really do. She has done nothing but cause trouble in Olivers life since she became apart of it. Not too mention my life too. Now shes gotten him too the point where he cant even talk to his ACTUAL FAMILY. Not just the boys. Even known we are all brothers to eachother, it can be hard to talk to each other about personal things, but since we've came out with our couple, people have been comunicating alot more recently. I guess everybody just needed their better half, and Oliver is mine.


I was in my room trying to think about everything that has been happening these past 3 weeks when Sebastian knocks on my door. I open it up too see him in tears, running to hug me. "Regie- oh my gosh, help me. Please." Sebastian said crying. I hugged him back and shut the door, i didnt even know what was going on. "Seb- Sebastian what wrong?" I asked concerned. Sebastian looked up at me and sniffled. He looked so defeated. "Oliver and I basically got into an arguement outside in the front- and- he drove off to somewhere, screaming my life is over-" Sebastian finshed. I looked down at him in utter shock. I have never heard or seen Sebastian and Oliver fight too the point where one of them is crying, and what does Oliver mean by "his life is over"? Did she break up with him or something? Even so, Oliver wouldnt be acting like this. He would talk to someone. Thats not how Oliver is. His last relationship didnt even end that badly for him to get to the point of where he is now.

"Regie- he wont talk too me. Im his brother, and he wont even talk t- to me! I dont even know what the heck is going on with him, and this is the first time ive seen him out of his room in 2 weeks- REGIE WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Sebastian screamed. All i could do i tear up and shake my head, because I didnt even know what was going on. "Sebby, please calm down ok? Wheres Ry-" i was cut off by Ryan running into the room and hugging Sebastian. "Baby- whats wrong, why the hell are you crying- what did Oliver do-" Ryan said, holding Sebastian in his arms and wiping the tears off his face. "Me and Oli got into a fight-" Sebastian said, snuggleing his face into Ryan shoulder. "I know, Justin told me." Ryan responded. Just then, Justin busted into the room too running up to Seb with some tissues.

"Here Seb." Justin said lightly. Ryan stood Sebastian up and thanked Justin for the tissues before walking out with him and gave me one last look of concern before shuting my door. "Justin- what the hell happened out there..." i asked sadly. Justin sat on the bed and sighed. "Basically, me and Darren were playing on the switch when out of nowhere we heard Olivers room door slam and saw him stomping down the stairs, and he looked really REALLY upset. I think he was crying- and you know- i havent seen him in while since hes asked Manager Ty for a break, so i tried to talk too him or at least say hi but he stormed out the door before i could even speak a word. Then out of nowhere Sebastian came out of his room and ran after him, so i kissed Darren and told him to pause the game. I get up and walk too the door to slightly crack it, and i just wanted to hear what was being said. All i hear is "Oliver, what the hell is wrong with you- you wont even talk to me!" And Oliver said " You dont even know the half of it Sebastian, just leave me alone." And then Sebastain saids "Oliver please, I love you, just talk to me-" then Oliver cuts him off saying "Leave me the fuck alone- my fucking life is over" and shit like that-" Justin finshed.

I was in complete utter shock. Oliver would never....AND I MEAN NEVER talke to any of us like that, LET ALONE SEBASTION MOY. Like seriously, WHAT THE FUCK DID IZZY SAY TOO HIM THAT IS MAKING HIM ACT LIKE THIS?! Oliver is the sweetest and most kind hearted man in the world....AND HE IS SAYING SHIT LIKE THIS-? Naw cuh, something real fucking bad must of happened. I just dont understand why hes fighting this alone. Seriously, im here for him through thick and thin and hes ignoring EVERYBODY. The Oliver Moy i know, doesnt even like to be misunderstood. He likes too be heard. It can make him cry at some points if hes feels ignored. So why is he dealing with what happened alone. Why.

This entire situation is so unhealthy for him and im getting extremely worried.
Please Oliver.....Talk.To.Me.

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