Chapter Four

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High school cafeterias are probably one of the worst places in the world for a vampire. All those sweaty hormonal teenagers all cramped together. Warm bodies. It is up there with hospitals for being a bad idea. Peggy is actually surprised that her family would choose to partake in this human ritual. Considering the risk it might cause. Bella waves across the room at Peggy from the table where Edward is sitting beside her, a number of other gathered around them. Peggy wiggles her fingers at her but it is clear that she is not enjoying the joys of high school. She's never liked it but now that she has had a taste of real freedom she dislikes it even more deeply. She knows it isn't for long, but she hates the fact that she has to suffer it at all. Edward gives her an apologetic look because he is the one who called her home. He is the one who caused this. If he had just waited a few months to call her back. If he could have shielded his mind from Aro then he wouldn't know about Peggy. And now she is forced to return to high school. He is very sorry for that. But he is not sorry that he called her back to protect her. He will never be sorry for that. Peggy lets out a breath as she takes in the almost full table of humans. And wrinkles her nose slightly, tilting her head as Jasper joins her.

"You are sitting with them?" Peggy asks Jasper who hums and nods in answer. She gives him a look. "And you're okay with that?"

"I'm a lot better with them" Jasper assures her. "It's actually helping...immersing myself"

"You do seem happier being here among all of these humans" Peggy counters as she heads towards the table where Alice is waving them over. Settled among the humans. "Still...strange" She mumbles to herself. They have never been this social before. Then again, none of them have fallen for a human before. High school was simple for them to sit through. They'd be the outside loner family that kept to themselves. Less chance of something happening. Less chance of one of them slipping. It's a big risk to take, but considering what they have already been through, that they are already on the radar of the Volturi, then it doesn't really matter anymore. Jasper takes the empty seat beside Alice, the seat on his other side free for Peggy to take. Edward sits with Bella across from them, but there is no empty chair next to him, otherwise Peggy would have pounced on it. Alas, it seems to be taken by another. She knows most of their faces and names from the earlier classes. English and biology. That she had to suffer through as if she hasn't done this already a thousand times over. She might see if she can't astral project during class and do something that is more fun.

"It's Margaret right?" Mike asks as he leans in closer to Peggy as he scoots his chair closer to her. She glances at him and then the chair, clenching her jaw a little. She takes a deep breath to will away the discomfort and annoyance. Trying

"Peggy" Peggy corrects him as she opens up her package salad. "Just Peggy. Margaret makes me sound like I'm 90 years old" She comments causing Jasper to snort at her side. Peggy smirks and glances across at Edward who shakes his head but is smiling. It's a cheap joke. But one that works to amuse her siblings.

"How come you're only here now?" Jessica asks, side-eyeing Mike as he smiles dopily at Peggy.

"Jess" Angela scolds, giving her a look. Because it's an invasive question and they don't owe an explanation.
"She's Rosalie's younger sister" Alice answers. "It's just taken Carlisle time to make it official..." Peggy and Edward both give Alice a look at the lie. They didn't need to explain anything here. Just say she's new to the family and leave it at that. Alice has overly complicated it. Peggy rolls her eyes and leans back in her seat, drawing one leg over the other. Mike smiles at her, attempting to be flirtatious, but it doesn't work on Peggy. She's not all that interested in entertaining him. She's just not interested. Plus the glare that is being sent her way by the blonde, Jessica, across the table. She's not in the market for high school drama when her own life has enough real drama to occupy her for a lifetime. Maybe Alice had the right idea after all. To lie. Maybe a lie will get Mike Newton to back away. Peggy uncrosses her legs and leans towards him.

"I have a boyfriend," She tells him and nods a little when he gives her a questioning look. "Big Greek guy..." She continues. Mike leans back away from her and pouts in his seat.

"That was mean" Jasper whispers at her side. Peggy snorts and shakes her head. 

"That was necessary" She counters as she picks up her drink. "I have no interest and it would be mean for him to continue to think that I do" She adds and shrugs. Jasper drapes his arm around the back of her chair and leans closer.

"But you still enjoyed it" He adds, she smirks and then chuckles.

"I still enjoyed it" She agrees and takes a drink. Jasper leans back into his own seat and leans closer to whisper to Alice. Peggy glances across the table at Edward who gives her a look and she shrugs back. She is not about to string some poor human along. That would be cruel.

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