The body is missing

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What the fuck was that man thinking, running up on me like that. I sigh. Oh wellll not like he learned his lesson.
I reach my front door and I unlock it and go inside. I sit my purse on my counter and I unlock my thigh harness and put my gun on the counter as well.
What a foolish man. I laugh.

* ring ring*

Hm? I look down at my phone and it's my assistant Damien, I pick the phone up and it. "Yes D" he's silent for a few which isn't normal. "I'm sorry you have the wrong-" "wait!" He cuts me off. "What is it?" "The body ma'am. The body is..gone" gone?! What the hell does he mean it's gone?
"He was gone when you got there?" "Yes ma'am" "did you see anyone?" "No ma'am" hmmm "okay, I'll handle it" I hang up the phone. There's no way he lived. Did someone see?

I go to my kitchen and I grab my bottle of wine from wine rack and pour myself a glass, turn my laptop on and I hack into the street cameras, put in the coordinates and watched the footage.

After a while of waiting for the right time I see a man come out of the side view, he walks up to the body and whispers. What could he possibly be doing? What is he saying? Why did he take the body? Who is this sick bastard?

I sort out in my head if I want to let Damien know of this or not, he usually is the one who takes care of the clean up. One call and he's there within minutes. It's impressive I have to admit but Damien is married, what a shame always the good ones. I can't ever settle for a "normal" guy because we'll I'm insane and you can't be boring and no one can ever satisfy my own needs. But maybe if I met the right twisted person out there then maybe but even then I'm crazier and I can always promise that.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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