Hunter X Hunter OC

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Hunter X Hunter OC

Name: Roderika (no last name, she's an orphan)

Age: 25

Appearance: Roderika has dirt blonde hair which she wears in a braid that reaches her waist. She has a scar on her lip and across her nose from fighting, and a few scars on her calloused knuckles as well. She has steely blue eyes. She stands at 5'11", but wears boots that make her an inch taller to appear 6'0". She typically wears a red flannel jacket over a white T shirt, a baseball style cap, and long cargo pants.

Personality: Roderika is brash, aggressive, self-righteous, and stubborn. She has a strong moral code, but hates being doubted in any way, thanks to her massive self-confidence. In reality, it's more of false ego to cover up her shame, but most people will never actually know that. She's extremely resourceful from her life as a street urchin in Meteor City, and gets what she wants. However, she has a soft spot for kids.


Roderika is a Phantom Troupe level combatant who trains very seriously.

Hatsu: Ignition Blow- Roderika focuses her nen into her limbs, allowing her to punch with enough speed and force to ignite the air around her fists. This includes a restriction and pledge called "Overheat," which increases her attributes as she gets damaged. After she recovers, she has to take time without nen usage to make up for the extra nen she spent.

2nd Hatsu: Similar to how Gon has his "scissors" and "paper" techniques, Roderika has a non-enhancer technique of her own called "Recoil Repetition." It's an emitter-type technique that bounces her nen between her fist and target rapidly, but only when she uses "Ignition Blow." This ability gets more powerful and efficient the more she is boosted by "Overheat."

Enhancement Nen Mastery: Roderika is very skilled as an enhancer, and is capable of massive physical damage. She uses a basic boxing type of fighting style, which she taught herself from watching more skilled fighters. She uses quick footwork to move fast and catch people off guard.

Nen Basics Mastery: She's mastered Ten, Zetsu, Ren, and Hatsu.

High Battle IQ: She's very good at turning the tides of battle in her favor and adapting in response to her opponents.

High Pain Tolerance: She can take a massive beating, to the point of fighting while mortally wounded.

She's a surprisingly good teacher.

History: Roderika grew up in Meteor City alongside the original Phantom Troupe, having been a founding member. They grew stronger together, and Roderika enjoyed the thrill of adventure, combat, and thievery. However, once they stooped low enough to start stealing and selling human body parts, like the Kurta Clan's eyes (which happens after she left, but it wasn't the first time they stole organs) she left the group on strained terms when she was 17. For 3 years, she was a homeless drifter with no purpose. She encountered Netero when she was 20, who she tried to mug without knowing who he is, and he gave her some pointers and recommended she find something better to do after he beat her to a pulp. She went around doing mercenary work before deciding to take the Hunter Exams at the same time as Gon, Kurapika, Killua, Leorio, and Hisoka. Her goal after meeting Netero became to destroy the Phantom Troupe, thinking that doing so would atone for her helping create it, and she takes it upon herself to teach Gon and his gang so they can handle themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: 10 hours ago ⏰

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