Naruto OC

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Name: Naki Uchiha

Birthday: June 9th

Naki has the typical sharp, black eyes of the Uchiha clan and spiky black hair. Her facial features are similar to Obito’s, but slightly softer. Her face is, overall, slightly more rounded and reminiscent of Obito in his younger years.

As a child, Naki has short, messy hair and generally looks like a normal 7-9 year old. As a 15 year old, Naki has ear-length messy, unkempt hair and wears an ANBU uniform. As an adult, her hair has grown down to her shoulders, and she wears a black haori with a high collar, which she typically leaves open, a black crop top with sleeves and mesh armor underneath, baggy white pants, and black open-toe sandals. Her Mangekyō looks like a four pointed version of Obito's.

Family: Obito Uchiha (older brother), Shisui, Itachi, Sasuke, Mikoto, and Fugaku (very distant cousins)

Friends: Itachi, Shisui, Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, and Guy (starting off, this list will change by getting a bit shorter after a while lol)

Love interest: Shisui (he dies, RIP bozo, character development ftw), maybe Kakashi later on, but I don't love the idea, Utakata might be an interesting choice 👀

Age: 8 years old when Obito appears to die (awakens 2 tomoe as a result), 9 years old when Minato dies (3 tomoe), 15 when Shisui dies (Mangekyō), 20 when Naruto Part 1 begins, 24 when Naruto Shippuden begins, 26 at the end of Shippuden, 28 during Naruto: The Last

Abilities, Skills, and Tools:

Sharingan eyes

Kamui: both sharingan have this ability, but she can only use it so many times before running out of chakra, not to mention the effects on her eyesight. This ability is identical to the one wielded by Obito and Kakashi.

Susano'o: She will not have perfect Susano'o, at least not until war arc 👀

Genjutsu: she has a sharingan, of course she would have access to this, and she is quite proficient at, almost as good as Kurenai without using her eyes

Highly adept at fire style ninjutsu

Nagareboshi (流れ星, meaning “shooting star”): an original fire style jutsu she created trying to replicate the Chidori. It generates a ball of flames in the user's hand capable of explosive force, which grows massively more powerful at high speeds.

Mastered the body flicker in honor of Shisui, is also as fast as him by Naruto Part 1

Mediocre sealing abilities

Incredibly skilled at healing as a result of several years under the tutelage of Tsunade

She has a Salamander summoning contract, which she acquired from her travels through Amegakure

Proficient at taijutsu, as good as Kakashi

She wields thin, chakra-controlled metal wires to restrain her opponents and avoid killing if she can help it

She uses senbon instead of shuriken and kunai

Her stamina is decent, a bit lower than Kakashi's stamina


After the deaths of Minato, Obito, and Rin, Naki becomes very soft spoken but idealistic, occasionally raising her voice when she's passionate about something. She's generally very kind, often helping random strangers complete their day-to-day tasks, such as helping old ladies cross the street, or finding peoples’ lost items for them. She hates assassination missions. She hopes to become Hokage in the future to honor her brother's wishes.

After the death of Shisui, she begins to grow disillusioned with Konoha and the shinobi system as a whole. After refusing to assist Itachi in murdering the clan, she flees the village, abandoning her brother's dreams and her friends. Upon hearing of the massacre later on, she feels an immense amount of grief, and vows to lead a pacifistic, righteous life, never starting any fights and never going further than restraining her foes unless she has no other choice but to use lethal force. As much as this mindset holds her back, she is resolute in its practice. She smiles far less than before, but keeps most of her previous mannerisms and behavior.

Goals: she used to want to be Hokage, but now only wishes to facilitate peace and happiness wherever she can, guiding others to a treasure she can only dream of possessing.


Naki is Obito Uchiha's little sister, who was frequently taken care of and treated kindly by Minato and Kushina. On her 8th birthday, her brother seemingly perished on a mission, and she received the news that day, unlocking her 1 and 2 Tomoe Sharingan in her left and right eyes respectively. She vows to become a powerful kunoichi and become Hokage in Obito's honor. Kakashi takes the role of an older brother, hoping to fill the void, and Rin befriends her. She grieves Rin's death later, which evolves her left eye into 2 Tomoe. After becoming 9 years old, she encounters Shisui and Itachi, the three becoming fast friends. She unlocks her 3 Tomoe Sharingan upon Minato and Kushina's deaths, as they had become parental figures to her, and she is left unaware of Naruto's existence.

Eventually, between Minato's death and the Uchiha Massacre, she and Shisui begin dating, having developed romantic feelings. However, Shisui dies when Naki is 15, causing her to develop the Mangekyō Sharingan, granting her access to Kamui and Susano'o. She trains her newfound power and begins to master the body flicker in his memory, and is given his eye for safekeeping. After his death, she is asked to assist Itachi in murdering her clan, which sends her to a breaking point. Deciding that she will neither hurt her family nor her friends, she denounces her identity as a shinobi and leaves the village. She vows to live a life of peace, only participating in conflict when necessary and always reaching for a peaceful solution to problems.

During her time as a deserter, she happens across a salamander summoning contract in Ame, which was left by an unmarked grave.

She is eventually approached by “Madara” to join the Akatsuki, but she declines due to disagreeing with their methods. Strangely, he lets her go instead of forcing her…

About 2 years before Team 7 graduates from the academy, Naki gets her hands on several scrolls full of medical ninjutsu, learning a ton of healing techniques and medical knowledge. She is especially good at therapy and counseling.

She overhears what's happening in the Land Of Waves, and decides to help keep the bridge safe a few months before Team 7 gets involved, and stays for quite some time, meeting Team 7 eventually.

OCs I May Or May Not UseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora