Demon Slayer OC

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I'll think about writing this one, idk

Name: Shingetsu Tsugikuni
(Shingetsu meaning “New Moon”)

Gender: female

Age: 15 during Final Selection

Appearance: Shingetsu is a relatively tall (5’10”, which is a whole 5 inches taller than Tanjiro 💀), lean, and pale-skinned girl with long, spiky black hair tied into a ponytail, with red streaks and tips scattered throughout. Most notably, she has a large, flame-like birthmark on the top left and bottom right of her face. There is also a scar on her throat and abdomen. She has dark purple eyes and a pretty face. In general, if you couldn’t tell already, she closely resembles her ancestor, Michikatsu Tsugikuni. She’s constantly either frowning, glaring, or completely unreadable, so she comes off as intimidating or unfriendly. When she does smile, it typically catches people off-guard. Due to struggling with poor nutritional habits for several years growing up, she’s slightly more lanky (and less well-endowed) in comparison to most other female characters.

She typically wears a purple haori, and her demon slayer uniform is identical to Kanae’s and Shinobu’s.

Her sword is dark purple in color.

Personality: Shingetsu is very soft-spoken, though this is partially due to an injury that damaged her vocal chords. Either way, she doesn’t talk much. She’s very reclusive and dislikes drawn-out interactions with others, with some exceptions, and is generally quite bitter, cynical, and pessimistic.

She’s secretly quite petty, and has a tendency to hold grudges, often going out of her way to either avoid or inconvenience people she doesn’t like, but will stubbornly defend her actions (or just come up with a lie to say she wan't at fault to protect her image) if she’s called out on it. She is a bit arrogant and prideful, having a great amount of confidence in her sword skills.

With strangers, she rarely holds a conversation for long, but generally tries to be polite despite her lack of social skills. She doesn’t have many friends, and she still acts aloof and uncaring around them, but she enjoys their company even if she would never admit it. She has a very personal, hateful vendetta against Kokushibo, which fuels her ambition to grow stronger.

When not training or slaying demons, she enjoys writing in a journal, playing the flute, and drawing.

Breathing Style: Moon Breathing, New Moon Variation.

Shingetsu developed this style from studying old, dilapidated writings in her late family’s estate written by Michikatsu to document his attempts at perfecting all Moon Breathing forms, which he left there before they could be completed, just shortly after he became Kokushibo.

Upon realizing that they were incomplete (especially the ones that were made with a longsword in mind), Shingetsu decided to try and perfect the style her own way based only on what Michikatsu had written down as a reference, leading to the creation of a style that differs a bit from that of her predecessor. After Final Selection, she requests to have a longsword made for her, that way she can utilize more of Moon Breathing’s potential as depicted in the writings. There are also a few completely new forms that she developed in order to cover all her bases, so to speak.

Shingetsu has quite a bit of natural talent, similar to other known members of her family. She was blessed with the demon slayer mark just as Yoriichi once was, but could not see the transparent world, never got to have formal training, and had to teach herself how to wield a sword between ages 10 and 15. Not to mention, she rarely exercised for most of her childhood since her father frowned upon such things, so overall, her strength is severely stunted and she does not actually ever reach his level. However, by Final Selection, she is a bit above Muichiro, who occasionally stops by to train (more on this later, they meet shortly after Muichiro begins his training). As a result, she will rise through the ranks rather quickly.

She is a relatively well-rounded swordswoman with very solid strength and speed, and upon inevitably becoming a hashira sorta early on, she is in the top 5 for both attributes. However, she lacks experience and can get overconfident.

Shingetsu Tsugikuni was born with a strange, flamelike birthmark and an unusual physical prowess. She spent the first 10 years of her life peacefully and happily with her parents, never once touching a sword, when her ancestor, Kokushibo, appears with the intent to kill off his remaining bloodline. Muzan ordered him to ensure that no one else like Yoriichi could ever be born, assuming it was maybe genetic. He kills her parents, and she tries to fight back with a sword she found.

Kokushibo decides to humor her for a bit, curious to see if the birthmark is just that or if she had been born with the demon slayer mark. Upon witnessing the extent of the latent potential she has for swordsmanship and her unintentional use of rudimentary breathing techniques, Kokushibo is satisfied and grabs her by the neck, causing extensive damage, before impaling her with his sword. Before he could ensure that she dies, the Sun rises, as Kokushibo had initially shown up around 6 AM after several hours of traveling and searching. He leaves hastily, assuming she would either succumb or never fully recover.

Gyomei happened to be investigating nearby murders committed by Kokushibo, and was alerted to the attack. He takes her to the Butterfly Estate, which is luckily not too far away, and she gets treated for her wounds. However, due to the nature of her neck injuries, they end up having to do some surgery to ensure her ability to breath and eat aren’t completely screwed from the damage done to her larynx. As a result, she gets a scar on her neck, and her life is saved. However, her ability to speak is permanently damaged due to her nearly ruined vocal cords, so she physically struggles to speak loudly and typically sounds a bit raspy now.

After months of rehabilitation, she chooses to go back to her old home, where she spends the next 5 years in self-imposed loneliness to, as quickly as possible, master the techniques she found under some loose floorboards while cleaning the place up. She rarely gets visitors, except for when Gyomei visits occasionally and when Muichiro, who Gyomei had introduced her to since they are distant cousins, is looking for a training partner.

After 5 years of training, wallowing in her own misery and completely stunting her social skills by almost never leaving the estate, Shingetsu decides she’s finally ready to fight demons and eventually defeat Kokushibo. She borrows a sword from Gyomei and heads to the Final Selection at the age of 15.

Love Interest: Tanjiro (she quickly grows to admire and envy his optimism. She falls for him after he relates to her struggle and tries to help her work out her issues, but it starts off slightly rocky when they first meet.)

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