Deal completion

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You exited the elevator, now back into the main building of the lab. You continue to hold onto the makeshift leash you've put onto Alphys, leading her out of the elevator. She looks at the goo puddles on the ground. Her eyes widen in terror. It seems like she wants to say something but the vine gag won't allow her to. You lead her out of the lab, taking her down to where the river person is. You hop onto the boat, dragging Alphys beside you.
“Hey there, friend. Mind dropping us off at Snowdin real quick?” You say, your tone casual.
“Off we go.” The River Person says, the boat moving through the water.
Halfway through, the river person speaks.
“Good luck with your task, human.” They say.
A few minutes later, you arrive in Snowdin, hopping off the boat.
“Thanks, bud. I know you don't get paid for this job, so, here. Take this.” You say, placing 15 gold in front of the River Person.
And with that, you pick up Alphys and sprint into the forest, trying to avoid being spotted by any other monsters. Alphys seems shocked that you picked her up, but she doesn't struggle against you, mainly out of fear. After a while of running, you make it back to the clearing where Flowey gave you the task. You approach the hole, seeing that a small layer of snow is in there. You knock on the hole once, then twice, then a third time.
“You there, Flowey?” You speak into the hole.
Alphys looks at you and then the hole, trying to back up. She fails and instead gets dragged back forward, landing on her back in the snow. You pay no attention to her, instead, directing your attention to the rock nearby. You knock on it a few times.
“Ey, Flowey, I got your key.” You say, now sounding a bit irritated.
Flowey comes out from the hole, a vine coming out of the ground next to him.
“Finally.. took you long eno- IS THAT ALPHYS?!” Flowey exclaims, looking at you with confusion.
“Couldn't have her telling anyone. Its for the best this way.” You respond, trying to calm him down.
“W-Whatever! Just give me the key..” Flowey says, the vine moving towards you like it's waiting for something to be placed into it.
You take the silver key out of your pocket, placing it on the vine. The vine closes around it.
“Thanks, Y/N. I'll come get you when I need you again. For now, just do whatever you want. Oh, and keep Lisa Simpson out of view, got it?” Flowey says, the vine going back underneath the ground with the key.
“You got it. Thanks.” You say, watching as Flowey goes back under the ground.
You look towards Alphys, who is still on the ground. You pick her up, carrying her in your arms.
“Jeez, thought you would've tried to get up or something by now. We're going somewhere.” You say, carrying Alphys through the forest.
After a while of walking, you reach a wall of Snowy, finding a small cave opening in it. You carry Alphys inside and tie her vine leash to an exposed root. You sit down on the other side of the cave from her, staring out of the opening. Alphys sits down, looking at you. She seems like she wants to say something, but doesn't say anything because of the gag. You look over at her, standing up and walking over to her. You stare into her eyes for a bit before looking back out of the cave opening.
“I'm going out. You better not try to escape.” You warn, walking out of the cave.
You sprint away, running deep into the forest again. After you're a ways away from the cave, you slow down to a walking pace. You end up behind some houses. Behind those houses, there are some trash cans. You walk up to one, rummaging through it. You don't find much. You do find a worn pair of (F/C) running shoes though. They're a bit big for you but you put them on anyway, just happy to no longer have to walk through the snow half barefoot. You look through the next trashcan, finding a small container of chocolate and pretzels. You open the lid and try one of the pretzels and chocolates. They taste fine. Maybe someone just didn't like them. You move to the next one, finding a Starfait in it.
“S-Someome just tossed this..? But it's so expensive to buy.. How did someone just toss this away?” You look at it, shocked, putting it into your inventory.
“I think I should get back before I get cau-” You hear Sans and Papyrus voices, making you stop talking to yourself.
The streets were empty, so it sounded like they were talking to each other.
“WHERE DO YOU THINK THE HUMAN WENT, SANS?” Papyrus asks his brother.
“i dunno, paps. it's been a whole three days. they could have caused major chaos by now..” Sans says.
“or, that they're planning something. whatever it is, we've gotta find ‘em.” Sans says.
They walk off, making it harder for you to hear what they're saying.
You quietly sneak off back into the forest, not wanting to alert the two where you are. You make it back to the cave, seeing Alphys somehow managing to sleep. You give her a nudge, causing her to jolt awake and look at you, seeming scared in a half awake state. You untie the vine gag and take the chocolate pretzel mix out of your inventory.
“Open.” You say rather commandingly.
She hesitantly opens her mouth, only for a pretzel and a piece of chocolate to get shoved into her mouth.
She tries to spit it out but you force her mouth shut like when you give a dog a pill. She reluctantly swallows it, realizing that it actually tastes good. You crouch down to her height, feeding her some more of the pretzels and chocolates before closing up the container again. You don't put the gag back on her, giving her a small break.
“A-Aren’t you gonna eat something..?” She asks quietly.
“Eh, not really hungry” You reply. Your stomach growls just then, betraying what you just said.
“Y-Your stomach says otherwise.” Alphys chuckled and smiled nervously.
“It's whatever, I guess.” You say coldly, not wanting to talk with her anymore.
“S-Shouldn’t you eat something, human?” Alphys asks quietly, not wanting to aggravate you.
“Nah, I gotta save it. I've got you to feed too, after all.” You explain.
Alphys stays quiet, thinking of what to say.
“It looks like there's enough pretzels for the both of us…” Alphys says quietly.
“If you don't drop the subject, you're getting the gag put back on you.” You warn, your tone irritated.
Alphys immediately shuts up, realizing she's not going to get anywhere with you. You sit down in a corner of the cave, away from Alphys. You stare out of the cave opening, watching the snow and trees, not like there's much to watch anyway. Alphys nods off to sleep again after a while, snoring quietly. You listen to this, starting to feel tired as well. You lay down in your corner of the cave, realizing the shed was more comfy than this. Hey, look at the bright side though, you're not cooped up in a stupid shed anymore. You fall asleep, the dark and mysterious embrace of sleep closing around you.
Hey guys! Sorry for not writing for a while, I wasn't really feeling it for a bit. Sorry if the chapter isn't all that long either, I didn't know what to write lol- Anyway, I know my writing skills suck (hooray) but I'm gonna keep writing these chapters for whatever reason! Have a wonderful day!!!!

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