Chapter 3

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@smarieh13 Check out her new Harry fanfic! Bye loves ! -Savannah


Chapter 3: Abby's POV

I was thinking about that boy all day. His eyes. His hair. His face. His body. His presence. I felt an unconditional amount of love near him but then again I didn't even know this guy. I turned the corner to go to my next class when I see him again. He had his arm pressed against a locker but in this moment I wish I could unsee what happens next.

A girl. He was flirting with her. Why? She was definitely flirting back with him. Skank. She had red hair and green eyes. Such a weird combination aside from my brown hair and blue eyes. I don't know why I'm feeling like this. It's really weird! But then Niall leaned in and he kissed that skanky ginger. Why? I thought maybe he liked me... But this happens every time. I never get the guy. Ever. I realized I was getting watery eyes so I ran into the janitor closet. Just then the door opened up and he stood there....

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