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Inaya's father clenched his jaw as he made his way through Haider's office. He gave the middle-aged man a boring look before straightening himself.

"You don't know who I am or else you wouldn't have made me wait ASP," he complained as soon as he occupied the seat in front of him.

Haider raised a brow in amusement. "I know who you are. It's not my fault that a well-known trader like you has to stay in the waiting area just because he couldn't raise his daughter well."

Jahanzaib Khan's eyes darkened. "Hey!"

Haider raised a hand. "No bullshit will be tolerated here."

The man sighed. "I know you are someone related to that girl, ASP but think about your decision to create this a case again. The reputation of your woman will be tarnished. I can make this into any case by using my sources. Even a rape case as well by bringing my daughter out of this gracefully. So it's better if we make a peace among ourselves without making anything big. My daughter did it on impulse, I agree. However, your brother also humiliated her by breaking their engagement in public. She was a very pampered child so she felt it as her insult. But you won't get anything by capturing her. Release her already and I'll make sure I will send her to America the other day, out of your lives. Or even if you want, we can settle for some mutual agreement. Like the same amount of money for the exchange of my daughter's bail."

Haider glared at him. "You came here to bribe me for sure but remember that I will go to any extent to lend punishment to your daughter. No kind of bail will be accepted for her so leave."

Jahanzaib fisted his fingers. "I have many links. I can get you fired and disqualified within an instant that you won't even be able to claim so proudly any more. I will defame your name so much that you can't even imagine."

Haider smiled and joined his both thumbs and fingers on the table. "I'd love to see what you can actually do. But even if I die, I'll make your daughter reach the perfect end she deserves before going to the grave."

Jahanzaib blinked angrily. "I'll talk to DIG. There is no way I'll let you win."

Haider shook his head in irony. "For your kind information, I have DIG's back while taking care of this case. Now you should leave before I manage a nice goodbye for you."

Jahanzaib stood back with a jerk. "I will see you, ASP. I'll see your whole family. Don't take me as weak. I will show you stars in the day."

Haider didn't reply as he got busy on his laptop which simmered Jahanzaib more before he really left. Haider stared at the closed door with a frown before calling Huzaifa. After having a small talk with him, the necessity of the situation brought both of them on the same page. Haider didn't waste a second before calling Izmir Raza. This news should be run on the news by keeping Unaiza's name anonymous so that Jahanzaib Khan couldn't use any way to bring this back to them at all.

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