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The next day, I woke up in Rin's arms as he also woke up and sat up with me on his lap and still holding onto me. He greeted him while he buried his face into my shoulders and grumbled a good morning, I chuckled and got out as he did his usual routine while I go prepare the boys some breakfast, a healthy meal for them until their match against the World Top Five team. After I finished, I set a plate down the table and soon the smell of breakfast lingered into their noses causing the others to wake up. Isagi who was practically drooling while the others munched on their breakfast and I ate mine while sitting on Rin's lap.

Isagi: So, Ella-Chan, I have a question that kinda involves your history
Luella: Hm? Oh, hit me with the question
Isagi: How did you and Rin met?
Luella: Well, Rin and I met when he was walking home from practice and Ren-Kun couldn't walk me home at the time. So Rin came up to me and volunteered to walk me, I was very happy but also knew about him before he could introduce himself
Isagi: Seriously?! You knew who he was?
Luella: Yeah, and to be honest I never expected to bump into him again here in Blue Lock
Isagi: Huh? But didn't you selected all 300 players?
Luella: I did, except for two, apparently Ego had found two in particular and he wanted to spare me from finding the last two. Don't know who the second one is? But I'm curious as to who it is
Isagi: And you said once that you saw all our matches, right? How is that even possible?!
Luella: Well, I went through the internet and searched up any soccer prodigy around Japan takes to Ego and Anri access to the database, apparently I was able to locate each and every one of them, those that I believed to have the strong links to forging into a egoistic striker. Speed, defense, offense, pass, shoot, and dribbles. Not only that but your physical, mental, kicks, GK, and last but not least your technique skill rates. All of which would help me seek out each player, the first I picked out was Rensuke Kunigami, then, it was Shoei Barou that I selected, then I traveled to Tokyo to get Mikage Reo and Seishiro Nagi, then-
Isagi: Okay I get it! But, how come Ego chose you. Out of all people
Luella: [smirk] Secrets~ [giggles] In any case, I finished my meal and have to go guys, I gotta get dressed to meet the World Top Five and watch your match~!!
Isagi: [eye twitch] You better not be plotting on dollying yourself up just to get Loki attention
Luella: [fake gasp] How could you?! I would never do something like that!
Isagi: You would if you wanted to- HEY!!!!

I quickly dashed away before Isagi could finish, as I ran into my quarters and showered, dressed, put on a bit of make up and got ready. I quickly got to the others and spotted Rin team getting ready to head out on the field, while I picked up the pace and held the tablet close as Isagi was tying his shoe lace.

Bachira: Are you nervous, Isagi?
Isagi: If I said I wasn't, I'd totally be lying
Bachira: It's good to be honest. I'm also pretty sure this is what it means to "tremble with excitement"
Tokimitsu: B-But what if we lose? Will we get kicked out?!
Aryu: We'll show them what we've got and that's a beautiful tactic
Rin: Hey. Don't even think about half-assing this. We're in this to win, no matter who we're up against. You wimps better not slow me down
Bachira: We know Rin-Chan
Isagi: Right
Luella: I'm sure you guys will handle this

I walked up to Rin and stood next to him as we walked side by side into the field where we spotted across the World Top Five. I was having a field day of my life, getting to see five of the greatest strikers in person, especially Julian Loki. I was gushing in my mind how amazingly handsome he looked, until someone bonk my head to snap me out of my trance which happened to be Isagi.

Isagi: Get. Your dirty brain. Out of the gutter
Luella: [pout] Oh you hush!! Can you blame me that I can't resist admiring them from afar
Isagi: Yes

[Footsteps... Footsteps]

???: Excuse me

I snapped out of it when I saw Adam Blake standing in front of me, making me blush by how handsome he was close to me when he said something that made me stumped.

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