The River Styx

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It had been five minutes and Bianca was starting to get worried. Earlier that day she brought Percy to the underworld to bathe in the river Styx. Nico guessed that Luke had done that too, which is why he survived Thalia pushing him off a mountain. Her brother also wanted them to follow up on Luke's past, but they didn't have the time for that.

Last night they got Mrs. Jackson's blessing to let Percy go to the Styx. She agreed then the two headed off to the underworld. Percy summoned Grover using their empathy link then Grover opened up Orpheus's entrance. From there Mrs. O'Leary lead them up to the Styx. A few minutes ago Percy went under and hadn't come back up.

Just as Bianca was about to lose hope, Percy came back up, gasping and throbbing. He shriveled up on the bank and lied there until Mrs. O' Leary came over and started licking him. The taste of the Styx must not have bothered her. Percy laughed then stood back up. He did not seem ready to fight a war.

It's August 15th and the hunters are marching to where the demigods are to help them. Thalia's leading them because Bianca hasn't been feeling well. Memories of her past have started to come back to her.

A year and a half ago, back when she first found out she was a demigod, she had no memories of before she was 11. Now, she remembers the Lotus Hotel and Casino. She remembers her mother dying and her father yelling a girl in a hippie's outfit, blaming her for the death. Then there was that pitch black fiver she fell into. The river Lethe. Last winter she went there with Percy and Thalia on an adventure to return Hades sword.

When Zoe Nightshade died, Bianca felt it before she saw it. At the time she didn't know how, but now it made more sense to her. Bianca was starting to think Hades was her father.

Of course, she hadn't told anyone this. Not even Thalia or Artemis, or even Nico. Her brother had been dying to know who their godly parent was ever since he got to camp. Still, neither of them had been claimed. She knew it was killing Nico inside not to know, but she couldn't get his hopes up if she was wrong. Even though she highly doubted it.

After all this Titan drama, she might tell Artemis about this, asking for her advice. If they made it out of this. First she needed to work on surviving this week and keeping the world in the gods' rule. That moment, she promised herself that when everything calmed down she would tell her goddess.

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