The Battle of the Labyrinth: Take Two

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To Percy, it all happened too soon. He saw Luke dead, Ethan pledge allegiance to Kronos, Kronos rise, Rachel hit him in the eye with her blue plastic hairbrush, and then they were running. This might have been the fates payback for their fight with Daedalus against the monsters being so mundane. It's not their fault the only monsters that showed up were the empousa and two laistrygonians.

It'd have been great to have another demigod there. Really anyone that could help distract Kronos. But it was only Percy. And Rachel, but she was mortal. Percy would have to protect her, himself. But against Kronos?

Props to ADHD, Percy had two focus levels: hyper-focused, or brain fart. Right now his brain was hyper-focused, thinking up every possible way to escape this mess with Rachel alive.

Percy looked back to see no one behind them. Did their pursuers stop following them? Get lost? Was the labyrinth helping them? It didn't matter. They kept running till Rachel tripped and fell on a hat, Grover's hat.

Nico had never been in a battle yet. He thought it may be somewhat fun, but the Battle of the Labyrinth was bloody and people had died. Nico didn't know how he knew that. He just did.

Over the past 6 month he'd been at camp, he'd been practicing sword fighting non-stop. Training to be able to impress Percy. Now he was glad he did, because otherwise he might've ended up dead like the other campers.

Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson emerged from Zeus's fist, just how Kronos's army had. The whole camp was glad for the backup. Their help started slicing through monsters, making them have an advantage. Then Kampe showed up and all Hades broke loose.

Mrs. O'leary showed up just in time to save Percy from Kampe and Daedalus too broke out of the Labyrinth. In the end, all the monsters ran back into the Labyrinth to get away from the horrible sound that escaped Grover's pipes.

Taking a golden drachma from his pocket, Nico flips it into the rainbow and prays to Iris. "Bianca, hunters of Artemis." Bianca's image appeared. She was with Thalia. This would make it harder to tell his sister what he wanted to say, but luckily for him, Bianca noticed his expression and realized this would need to be privet. Thalia was ushered out.

"What's wrong Nico?" Bianca asked, folding her legs and placing her hands in her lap.

"Next year Percy is turning 16," Nico explained, "meaning the prophecy will come true. I was thinking, and there may be a way for us to get a huge advantage."

She nodded, but Nico could tell she was still skeptical. He was only 11, and Bianca never had really took him seriously.

"I also think I know how Thalia didn't kill Luke last year at the mountain." This caught her attention.

Percy took a seed of moonlace from the pouch Calypso had given him and turned it around in his hand. He had made a promise to her and he would keep it. Putting the seed back up, he turned around to head back for the party. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw Thalia. She nodded up and he looked to see Bianca also there, sitting on the railing.

"What are you two doing here?" Percy gulped. It was never a good sign for a guy when two hunters of Artemis came to visit you.

They explained Nico's plan and hypothesis. 

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