I had to do it. . . . right?

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Sean was in his living room, looking down in horror at the bodies of men that looked like his friend on the floor.

"What are we gonna do about them?" Sean wondered out loud, "We can't call the police because what the fuck are we gonna say? I'd get sent to the fucking loony bin"

Evelien took a sip of coffee, looking anywhere else but the bodies, "I  . .. I don't know. I'm not even sure if this is a dream or not still"

"It's not" Sean clarified, "I know the difference by now"

He still felt sad over what all had transpired. He didn't really KNOW them all but he FELT like he did. What hurt the most was realizing that he would never GET to know them better now.

A popping noise was heard by the window and Sean and Evelien were prepared to run again.

But instead of Anti . . it was Evan!

"Thank god. . . did you figure anything out?"

Evan nodded, "Sort of. I take it you remember who I am from earlier? We never met before today"

Sean had overheard and had remembered his name from all that time ago, "Yeah. . . you're Marvin's partner, right? . . . . I'm sorry"

Evan nodded, "Thank you but save your sorries. There might be a way to bring them all back"

Sean turned excitedly to Evelien and back at Evan, "What, really!? How?!"


Sean blinked, ". . .. Wait, what?"

Gab swung her sword down on Sam again but he caught the side of the blade and whipped around, elbowing Anthony in the face.

Gab tried to use her powers on him again of gravity to slam him down in to the ground but just like before, Sam wasn't letting Anti's body break, forcing him to stand the weight.

Anthony recovered, though, and shoved him into the dirt, wrapping his hands around his bloody throat.

Gab hurriedly grabbed onto Sam's arms, holding them down, "Do the thing, Anthony! In his head!"

Anthony wasn't even sure if it would work but he looked right into Sam's eyes, forcing their eyes to meet.

He drew him into his gaze like a snake and delved into his head.

Hoping.  .. .  maybe there was still a way to rip Anti back out.

"You really think you can puppet me?" Sam smirked.

Anthony was shoved out but he still held a hard grip on him.

"You can't bring him out" Sam smiled, "He's a part of me now. We're one and the same. How it was meant to be. He's mine. And you can't take him back. My whole being and DNA . . . the green . . . . . is in his brain now. . . . surrounding and absorbed inside. He's gone. . . .deal with it"

Anthony snarled at him, "Fucking parasite. . . . .. one way or another, YOU die today. . . . . I'll make sure of it"

"You won't kill him . . . . you LOVE him now . . . ." he smiled sadly in a mocking nature, "Anthony" he spoke in a similar tone to Anti, "You're my brother . . . . you can't kill me. . . .Why'd you let it happen?"

Sam laughed, "You could have stopped me . . .. but you just watched and let it all happen"

Anthony pull his one hand back to punch him but Sam took the opportunity and unbalanced him moving his legs up, shoving him off of him and moved his legs up again to kick Gab off of him.

Five, Six . . It Can't Be FixedWhere stories live. Discover now