I.Kiss Land

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I sat at my Condo looking at the city view drowning in my funky self pity. Abigail was acting strange I would call and she would say she was too busy to talk. I hadn't told her I was even in town. I gazed over at Crystal laying across the bed naked in her drug induced coma. With all the bullshit and sex I still have yet to indulge in any drugs. I promised Abigail that I wouldn't pick that shit back up and if need be I'd go to rehab. Maybe all this fame wasn't really what I wanted but I had come so far and I would be letting a lot of fans down if I gave it up. It was hard to really choose between Abigail and my career. I just stood there relishing in my thoughts.

I left Crystal in the bed and headed to meet the Priest about doing our vows. I had planned this all through out my trip home and I was ready to give her my last name. If I waited any longer to do it I would end up regretting it. Just the look on her face would make me happy.

I sat at my computer going over a presentation for Andrew making sure to correct any mistakes. He was so nervous I wondered if I should go over this with him verbally. I was proud of him though him and Christina they both put in so much hard work. By the end of the year they would become Financial Advisor's. I was excited for them both and ready so they could actually sign off on their own accounts. But in due time they would do just that and have the power to deal with as many clients as they wanted.

Abel was just..I don't know what to say because there were no words left for what he was. The last call from that night showed me that I was still being played for a fool and I was beyond exhausted, tired and all the above. I guess you can say I was worn the hell out. I didn't matter to him like he claimed I did. Loving him has caused me more grief than any kind of real joy. I had come to damn accustomed to the twisted love he showed me. My heart was out of this thing entirely we had been thrown 10 steps back and the work to put into it was too damn hard with Gabriel fighting his way out. I had to protect him from this crazy shit his dad and I were going through.

I wouldn't be me if I didn't cry over him because I was this big cry baby crying over him every time he failed me. This love was like a battle and we both ended up with scars mines reopened every time he broke me down. It was just a silly game and it could've been so simple but he rather make it hard. I was starting to think he didn't want to be loved.

Tell me who do I have to be?

I know what we have to do. We have to let go, that's the best way to keep me from hurting. I felt my emotions ready to spill over, the excruciating pain stabbed me in the heart killing the love that I had for him.

I stared at myself in the mirror as I watched my warm tears roll down my cheeks. I needed to let them fall because holding in my anger would've only made things worse for me.

As I opened the door I saw him sitting on the edge of my bed. His eyes were red as if he hadn't gotten any sleep. My face was blank and my eyes told the story of how my heart was feeling. His facial expression changed as he seen the emptiness within my mind.

"What's wrong Abigail? You look like you don't want to see me." He reasoned.

And he was right. I didn't want to see him it was too soon for me to look him in the face. I wasn't prepared to tell him that I no longer wanted to be his.

"I wasn't expecting to see you back so soon." I said blankly.

"What's being going on? Why have you been avoiding me?" He questioned.

I stood contemplating on what to say.

" The truth Abigail. " He said evenly.

"I just think that it's time for us to part ways. You know where you want to be and it's not with me. Gabriel will be here within a few weeks and I don't want to drag him through a recap of the last year." I rambled.

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