Chapter 28

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Day 8 of the Ethereal Moon (December):

Golden Deer Classroom:

Y/N's POV:

My classmates and I are in the Golden Deer classroom. Everyone is talking amongst themselves. Marianne, Raphael, and I are in the back corner of the room with Bernadetta.

Raphael: What do you guys think we're doing today? I hope it involves food.

Bernadetta: (terrified) W-Who cares what it is? Why are you guys even over here anyway...?

Y/N: We had no choice, Bernadetta. There were barely any seats left.

Marianne: Y/N has a point, Bernadetta. A lot of students from the other houses have been joining this one lately. So, naturally, we're going to run out of room for everyone.

Bernadetta: (depressed) Ohhhh... Why did I join this class...?

Bernadetta buries her head in her hands, Marianne, Raphael, and I all try to comfort her.

Raphael: (soft) It's not that bad, Bernadetta. On the bright side, it just means more friends.

Y/N: (smiles) Yeah, he's right. Just imagine-

My words are cut off as the door opens. We all turn around to see Professor Byleth enter the room.

Byleth: Good morning, class.

We all quiet down and she approaches the front desk. She turns to us.

Byleth: Before we get started, we have some more students joining our class.

Our eyes widen upon hearing this.

Claude: (taken aback) Uh, Teach? Not that I mind the company, but... don't you think having more students with us is a bit excessive?

Leonie: He's right, Professor. We're running out of room in here.

Hilda: (smirks) We have Baltie to thank for that.

Balthus: (pouts) Sheesh. Way to hit it where it hurts, Hilda.

Byleth: I know how most of you might feel. But don't worry. It won't be long before I stop inviting people into our house all together. But also keep in mind that the students who approach me about switching classes do so because they want to.

Annette: That's a good point. Me and Sylvain joined because we wanted to.

Claude: (smirks) Well. Guess it just shows that the Golden Deer is the superior house in all of Garreg Mach.

Byleth: Glad to see you're all excited to have more classmates. That said...

She turns to the door.

Byleth: (shouts) Okay, you can all come in, now.

We turn to the door to see a bunch of students enter the room. They walk up to the front and turns to us.

Byleth: Why don't you introduce yourselves? Let's start with the actual students.

The first person steps forward.

Felix: I am Felix Hugo Fraldarius. Until now, I was in the Blue Lions with that boar as my house leader.

Y/N's Mind: Damn. What does Felix have against Dimitri?

Golden Deer Male Reader X Fire Emblem Three HousesWhere stories live. Discover now