Chapter 27

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Day 7 of the Ethereal Moon (December):


Y/N's POV:

It's the first Sunday of the Ethereal Moon. Right now, I'm in the Cathedral talking to Grim. I see Marianne and Flayn in the distance, but they're both doing their own thing. I also saw Ashe hanging around somewhere here. 

Y/N: Hey, Grim? 

Grim: What is the matter, master? 

Y/N: There's kind of a lot going on right now. Is now really the time to be throwing a ball? 

Grim: Similar to that fishing tournament right after we rescued Flayn, Lady Rhea feels this is a good way for the students to take it easy. The ball is an annual event here in Garreg Mach, and we can't have some tragedy ruin it. 

Y/N: (skeptical) Well... I guess you're right. 

I look around the Cathedral. 

Y/N: By the way, I meant to ask. Is there a reason you wanted to speak here in the Cathedral? Once in a while, you always seem to want to come here. 

Grim: Oh. That. To be honest, I don't know. For some reason, this is where I feel the most at home... 

Y/N: I guess that makes sense. After all, I did find you in the Holy Mausoleum. Which is right under this Cathedral. 

I look up to think about what happened in there. 

Y/N: Come to think of it, that's also the place where Professor Byleth found her sword. And where we met the Death Knight. And... where we stopped the Rite of Rising and saved our Abyss friends from being used as blood sacrifices. 

Grim: Indeed. And this Cathedral is also where we killed Aelfric. But... this place is drawn to me somehow... I believe this Cathedral is connected to my past. 

I turn to Grim. 

Y/N: (curious) Your past? But didn't you say you couldn't remember much? 

Grim: I did say that, and that's still the case to this day. But still... I am very slowly remembering bits and pieces. 

Y/N: Well, that's great... Is that a bad thing? 

Grim: (uneasy) I... do not know... If my memories come flooding back, I fear I may not be able to control myself. 

Y/N: Wait. You mean like... go berserk and start killing people? Like the brainwashed villagers of Remire Village? 

Grim: I wouldn't go that far. But at this point, anything's possible. 

I think for a moment about some of the possibilities. 

Y/N: You're not going to make a scene at the ball, are you? 

Grim: Of course, not... Although, just to be safe, I should probably remain in your satchel. Besides, I wouldn't want to be a third wheel. 

I turn to them with a confused look on my face. 

Y/N: (confused) "Third wheel"? I'm not sure I understand. 

Grim: Follow me. 

Grim and I start walking, and they lead me outside to... 

Y/N: (confused) The Goddess Tower? What are we doing here? 

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