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NADIA WENT HOME THAT NIGHT WITH A GRIN ON HER FACE. The teenager couldn't get the memory of Fez sitting there staring at her out of her head.

The 18 year old had spent a lot of time around the ginger drug dealer and she'd always known that she liked being around him, but the way she felt now? that was new.

The only way she could describe how she felt was the same way she felt when she had a crush on Danny Martin in the 8th grade. It was when she'd just moved to East Highland and she met him in her maths class. He gave her a pencil when she asked him if he had a spare and gave her a small smile after introducing himself.

She'd gone home that very night and wrote in her fuzzy pink journal about how gorgeous he was with his brown hair and blue eyes. She even doodled a couple of hearts with the initials "N + D" inside of it.

It was a short lived middle school crush, even though she had cried when she saw him hugging his then girlfriend Dayna.

But she quickly got over it.

So, that's what Nadia put this whole situation down as, a stupid teenage crush. She just hoped it wouldn't affect her friendship with the older man, or her drug purchasing habit.


THE MORNING AFTER, NADIA WOKE UP TO 3 MISSED CALLS AND 10 MESSAGES FROM MADDY PEREZ. All of them about Nate and how much of a dick he was, the tanned girl assumed the two had broken up once again considering the context of the messages and the continuous "i'm so done with him fr this time" scattered throughout.

During her sleep, she also received a message from Christopher Mckay, AKA Nate's best friend, AKA Nadia's ex fling.

Her and Chris were never anything serious, they casually hooked up a couple of times during his many house parties, but called it off since neither of them wanted to get into anything serious, Nadia wasn't a relationship person and Chris was focused on his oncoming career in football.

yo, throwing a party at mine b4 school starts up again, hope 2 c u there.

Nadia already knew Chris would be throwing a party, of course she did, everyone did.

Being the 'former star' of east highland's football team and the best friend of Nate Jacobs, Mckay never missed an opportunity to throw a raging party. They were all the talk of the town and anybody who was anybody would be there. they always was.

only just woken up what did he do this time?

ugh he's just such a prick, app
i 'cause issues out of nothing' and
i'm always 'looking for an argument'

what a dick.
u going to Mckay's end of summer thing then?

Nate will probably be there with
some dumb bitch, so if he gonna
play that game i will 2 ;)

ur so messy maddy.
Anyway, i went to Fez's last night.

bitch what!!!!
coming over rn.
u better tell me EVERYTHING.

bitch nothing even happened 😭
we just chilled and smoked weed!

still coming over.
be there in 5.

Nadia scoffed and shook her head. She knew Maddy would make a big deal out of nothing. But in Maddy's defence, she'd lowkey been rooting for the two since like sophomore year.

Nadia loved her best friend but god sometimes she could be a real pain in the ass.

So, the brunette sat and waited for Madelyn Perez's arrival,

god she hated high school crushes.

ONE OF THE GIRLS ★ fezco.Where stories live. Discover now