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NADIA MOORE WOKE UP THAT MORNING WITH A HARSH PAIN SHOOTING THROUGH HER SKULL. The seventeen year old girl knew it was never a good idea to spend the night at Cassie Howard's especially when Maddy Perez was there.

The Moore girl loved her best friend, truly she did! However the Perez girl had an unhealthy habit of dragging Nadia to the Howard residence every single time her and her dickhead of a boyfriend Nate Jacobs broke up, since it was kind of a well known fact that the mother of the third best friend was basically an alcoholic, and had no issue sharing her hilariously large bottles of wine with the three teenaged girls.

So to summarise, it was an extremely common occurrence for Nadia to wake up at the bottom of Cassie's bed with a terrible hangover, in fact it was every single fucking week.

"Maddy! I love you, i really do.. but why the fuck is your alarm on at 7am? It's still break." the muffled voice came from none other than the tanned, brunettes slumped over at the foot of the bed, Nadia's head buried into a pillow she stole from Cassie's couch downstairs.

"Nads, i literally told you this like five times last night, me and Nate are meeting up so we can talk!" The Perez girl snapped, now it wasn't that Maddy Perez was mean to Nadia, but both of them knew each other like the back of their hands and one thing Maddy Perez knew was when Nadia Moore asked a question it was because she was going to judge you for it, no matter the answer.

"I don't understand why you're so fucking obsessed with him! i mean literally look at you, you have so many guys who would treat you so much fucking better than him and you still crawl back to him. every. single. time. get some fucking respect for yourself jesus!" Nadia Moore was honest, sometimes too honest, and when she had had a lack of sleep and wasn't feeling great that brutal honesty only increased ten fold. So there she was, now slowly rolling over onto her side to face her shorter friend with a look that could kill.

"No guy would ever love me the way he loves me, Nadia, you wouldn't understand." The latina girl huffed, leaning forward in Cassie's vanity to do her eyeliner, preparing for her 'talk' (inevitable rekindling of their relationship) with Nate Jacobs.

"Can you guys like not fucking do this at seven a.m!" a higher pitch voice interrupted, belonging to none other than the blonde mop of hair curled into her duvet.

"Cassie's right. Do whatever Mads, but dont come crying to me when you break up again for the fourth time this month." Nadia huffed, twisting her body in a harsh manner that clearly showed the Perez girl she was pissed off.

See.. the reason Maddy's relationship pissed Nadia off so much, was because it was like watching a mirrored scene of her parents before Olivia left.

Maddy had no respect for herself but acted like she did. The Perez girl was often the small flicker of a flame that sparked most of the toxic couples breakups. But Nate Jacobs.. No he was worse. Nate Jacobs was fucking gasoline. He was suffocating and he was the factor that would cause the explosions.

Nadia knew what Maddy needed, she needed someone who could calm her flame slowly, like a wick running out of oxygen to stay ignited, she needed someone who could handle her flame without spreading it. And Nate Jacobs was not that person.


IT WAS 2PM BY THE TIME NADIA LEFT THE HOWARD HOUSE. Maddy had left much earlier than the Moore girl, who went back to sleep after her small... discussion with her short Latina friend, who was adamant during her conversation with the busty blonde of the group, that this time her and Nate were truly going to work things out and never break up again, that this time it was different.

God, If Nadia had a dime for every fucking time she heard that phrase in her life, between the Perez girl, The Howard girl or her own mother, she'd probably be away from her asshole of a dad and living in a nice little suburban house driving a fucking BMW or some shit.

"Cass, I'm gonna go to grab some bud from Ash, you coming?" The slightly taller girl asked, it wasn't that she smoked weed often, but she always had a least a little in her stash. It was kinda like a stress reliever and when things got really fucking bad for the 18 year old girl, she needed that shit within reach.

No one could be assed pissing around to get some weed when they want to slam their head through a goddamn fucking wall.

Not a single being on fucking earth.

"Uhm no not tonight! Mckay's picking me up in a couple hours." The blonde replied in a chirpy tone. You see, Cassie had this massive issue, where once a guy showed interest in her she latched onto them like it was her lifeline, her friends, family, all the shit that should matter, doesn't anymore, because as long as she has him she's alright.

Some real daddy issue shit.

"Girl, i mean anytime we're with you, you always obsessing over this motherfucker, like don't get me wrong he's fine as fuck but i'm your girl, bro!!" The Moore girl jokingly complained, throwing her head back as the barbie doll across from her giggled.

"He's different Nads!" The love-struck blonde replied, her hair wrapped around her finger as she picked up her phone from besides her leg, a soft hum from the small machine seemingly a lot louder than it should've been.

"on that note i'm outta here before i throw the rest of this alcohol back up, have fun with your boy toy! and don't get pregnant, i'm too young to be a godmother!" The brunette smiled, opening the door before laughing at Cassie's dumbfounded face.

"get the fuck out, you loser! you're gonna get me in so much shit!"

"Love you too Cass!" Nadia smiled as she closed the door behind her, starting her short journey to the old gas station where her weed resided.

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