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NADIA MOORE WAS ONE OF EAST HIGHLAND'S IT GIRLS. she made her first ever appearance in 7th grade at the ripe age of 13 years old, and since then she had everyone at her feet.

Nadia knew she was pretty, and she knew that she could say or do whatever she wanted and nobody would bat an eyelid, and that was just the way she liked it.

She quickly became friends with the 'beauty pageant queen' Maddy Perez, alongside Cassie Howard. The only reason Maddy and Nadia became closer than the Perez and Howard girl ever were, was because Nadia prided herself on her brutal honesty and the fact that she, like Maddy, was not a follower, she was a leader.

Nobody ever really knew much about Nadia, but i knew she wasn't as perfect as she wanted everyone to believe she was. I'd seen her around the apartments where my dealer Fezco lived, at first i thought maybe she was buying, but when i started seeing her leave the complex in the early hours of the morning, it didn't take me long to put the pieces together and realise Nadia lived there.

When i was at Fez's though, her house was always eerily silent compared to the other residents who were usually screaming at each other.

But hey? what do i know? As far as I know Nadia Moore was a mystery.

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