Day 6 - Worky time cancelled!: 4/8

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"So, where are we going today?" 99380 asks 10013 who is sitting in the middle of the living room, tapping its foreleg on the carpet.

"Hmm?" 10013 twitches as if it completely forgot that 99380 was there, "I think the Queen made herself perfectly clear, so exploring it is."

"I got that part, so where are we going to explore?"

"I'm going to find where Mister Shiny lives and ask if we can progress our Scufflestick ideas," as 99380 opens its mouth, 10013 shakes its head, "I think you should head off on your own for now."

"Huh? Am I bothering you?"

"No, I just need to think about... about this whole situation," 10013 sighs, "We're in a completely new situation, we're split and arguing with each other, and it's possible that we'll be forced to forget... honestly, the most important drone ever. And it's all happening while I'm supposed to lead," it shakes its head, "I need to clear my head, so I'll just stick to something simple for now. I'll just find Mister Shiny, ask him if he has time for us, and see what I can do after that. It's up to you to do more to fulfill the Queen's orders for now."

99380 takes a deep breath and puffs out its chest.

"I'll do my best, but I'm a bit scared."

"Hey, being self-reliant during exploration is critical, and you did just fine on the ship."

"Well, everyone was within the reach of a hive link there. This place is pretty big."

"Just think of today as exploring a tunnel section which should be safe and full of shinies or something interesting, but where there's a small chance that it wouldn't be. I know you can do it."

"I'll do my best to find fun stuff to share with others!" 99380 hugs 10013 and runs out of the suite.

Finally alone, 10013 closes its eyes, takes a deep breath in, holds it, and finally lets it go.

"I don't know how to fix this," it says out loud, the open admission making its ears droop briefly, "What would High Score do? Fix this. Okay, that's not helpful," 10013 walks out onto the balcony, flies up into the air, and slowly floats through the air towards the beach.

If I don't give up, High Score will help me find a way. I just have to keep thinking, keep trying, keep looking.

Flying down the slope towards the water bungalows takes much less time than walking down the central road, and finding what's bound to be Shining Armor's accommodations is even faster, not due to him per se, rather due to a pink-ish pillar of light visible only to changeling eyes emanating out of one of the bungalows which, from experience, must be the result of Princess Cadance's presence in one place.

As its hooves tap against the wood of the pier, 10013 scratches its head.

Well, that was quick. What now?

It rises on its hind legs and peeks into the window where some kind of a heavy bead curtain obscures its vision completely. A quick look around confirms the arcing pier to be empty, so 10013 shrugs to itself and lies down by the bungalow wall. The hurt face of 36658 comes to mind, but the drone refuses to get into the trap of replaying a bad memory on repeat, and instead decides to do something to take its mind off of things. That is an issue which will require some time.

So... hah!

10013 hucks out a glob of goop, turns its forelegs into claws, and starts molding the goop into a small replica of one of the many horrifying monsters from the deep tunnels.

Mister Shiny said we'd eventually want to use figurines for Scufflestick, so let's use the time to get a head start so that I can teach others a good way to make those if I figure one out.

They're... ON HOLIDAY?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя