Day 6 - Worky time cancelled!: 2/8

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Wandering through the apartment complex, 20100 is faced with the difficult question - what would be useful back home and something it would enjoy?

I guess drawing fits both of those, but for some reason sitting in our room with a stack of papers doesn't feel like what the Queen meant, no matter 10013 allowing it. Maybe I could visit the casino to get us some shinies... hmm, not now. If I overdid winning by accident we might lose access to shinies completely. Better to save that option in case we need it. I should go there and win once or twice later, though, only so that if we want to trade shinies for some noms we don't have to rush there.

So far, the important part has always been to also show that changelings aren't dangerous and to put other creatures at ease around them. With casino out of the way, the options 20100 is familiar with thin out considerably.

Okay, so where could I draw something AND be around others? On the ship it was easy, because everyone was packed in one small place, but how would one do it here?

Clearly, the beach would be full later and maybe 20100 could draw some portraits again if it found proper paints somewhere.

Maybe I should ask 65536? I mean, it didn't save its paints from the ship, but it might know where to find more.

Filing that idea for later, 20100 keeps up the train of logic while adding a little bit of hopeful prayer just in case. You never know.

How would you go about it, High Score? I mean, not in the way 36658 presents it, but for real. Is it the good, old - the solution is already there, we just gotta keep looking?

As soon as the drone thinks it into the emptiness of the hive mind, an idea flashes through his head.

Hah! Thanks, buddy! Every creature needs to eat. 36658 and I already know about a place where creatures are up as early as we are. And it's one where there already are drawy rocks!

20100 beams and heads straight towards the stairs and then to the dining room on the ground floor, very carefully slipping through the door in order to not disturb anyone. A good idea too, because it can hear faint clanking of utensils from the kitchen, which means there's already someone there, busy with all the morning activities regarding food for the guests. That, however, isn't the important part of this place. That honor belongs to the large, empty blackboard near the door and the refilled bowl of sticks of chalk which immediately captivate 20100.

So this is the place where Smiley learned how to make drawy goop. A true piece of dronekind's history!

20100 chuckles, grows a hole in its hoof small enough to fit a stick of chalk, and grabs it, somewhat safe in the knowledge that the kitchen griffons were less bothered by Smiley using up the chalk and more by the chance of it getting sick from eating it.

So, how to make a good drone impression? Think, 20100, you only get one shot, one opportunity to draw anything you ever wanted, one moment. Would you capture it or would you let it slip?

Its knees aren't sweaty, because carapace doesn't have sweat glands, its hooves are heavy, there's chalk all over its forelegs already. Queen's spaghetti?

Nervous, 20100 starts off with something simple - one of the tables nearby with chairs around it. Copying what it sees is easy, even though the black and white medium is certainly new.

Oh goop! This stick isn't sharp like the pencils or smooth like the brush and it kinda messes up the lines I'm trying to ma-

20100 stops when it touches the line that came out with the wrong thickness and accidentally smudges it. It looks at its hoof, and swipes it on the blackboard, leaving behind another smudge.

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