Day 6 - Worky time cancelled!: 1/8

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They all wake up at the same time, hearing a faint, soft tune.

10013 yawns, eliciting the same squeaky noise from an overturned paper bin by a table under the window, and from a bulge in the middle of the bed. Having slept inside the top part of the wardrobe like last night, the drone likes the place - it's cozy and it gives a great view of the room.

"How's the bed, 36658?"

The bulge shifts and shakes until a black head peeks out from the tangled sheets.

"Too soft!" complains 36658, "Wouldn't protect you at all if a scaly swatter found you and smacked you. I gotta try stuffing all this into that wardrobe of yours next sleepy time. A proper hard shell and this amount of stuffing should make you survive being bounced around by anything we've seen so far on the surface. Even the sticky biters," it shudders.

The paper bin shakes again and rolls over as 20100 stretches its forelegs over its head.

"I guess that creatures around here can afford to sleep inside soft things because the surface gribblers aren't that spooky. Not even sticky biters," it says, "Speaking of spooky things, did a weird tune wake you up too? I liked it and it's gone now. Was I dreaming?"

"You too?!" 36658's ears perk up.

"Same here," 10013 flies down from its spot, "So, what should we do today?" it looks at the other two, "After cleaning up, obviously," it adds, nodding sideways towards the bed.

20100 definitely has it easier, simply turning the paper bin back the right way up while 10013 and 36658 make the bed again. While their form is fantastic, working off of a changeling memory of how the bed looked before sleeping in it, no one can deny it now being fairly disgusting, smudged with dirt and sand.

The concept of regular showers might be way beyond the understanding of drones.

Leaving things almost as they were when they first arrived in the suite, the trio leave for the living room. 99380 is sitting in the armchair by the corner table with the radio playing so quietly it can't be audible to anyone further than a few pony lengths. Smiley is squeezed under said table on its back, watching the situation unfold upside down.

99111 and 99526 arrive shortly, the latter one with a greeting:

"Morning, guys! Did you hear the humm humm mmm ding too?"

"-and this concludes the morning news segment," announces the radio, audible from this up close.

The tune plays again, this time from the speaker.

"Hey, that's it!" 99111 points accusingly at the radio.

99380 nervously giggles.

"Yeeeah, I kinda wanted to try something," it looks at 10013, "You know how we experimented with what the drone hive mind section can do yesterday, right? So, I figured out that I can set a reminder for myself to do something in case I forget because I'm too caught up in digging or something."

"Wow, you're getting good at this," 10013 sounds genuinely impressed.

"Thank you," 99380 smiles, "I set up a reminder for myself to wake up and I made it be the tune I heard from the talky box yesterday, but I must have been accidentally broadcasting and I woke up all of you. Sorry," it rubs its head nervously and looks at the floor.

"No no, that's actually super useful. We really need to take some more time figuring out all the things we can do with the hive mind now," 10013 looks around, "Anyway, now that we're all awake, how have you been? We haven't seen each other since last morning, so did anything happen that we should know of?"

They're... ON HOLIDAY?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant