The Most Wonderful Time

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Chapter Twenty Six
     Rosie Mae's POV

I pace around the porch, throwing my hands in the air to put emphasis around my words. "What a selfish human being! How could he use all of us, for his own satisfaction?! I thought I was on my way to reaching my own success! Not his! That asshole!"

Cory has not been phased throughout Eric and I's altercation and my steady ranting since we stepped outside onto the deck that is the length of the house. Not that he's ever been too bothered by anything. Cory, watching Faith die before his eyes and living the lifestyle for quite a while, probably had the strongest grip on his emotions.

Blake and Eric wore their emotions outright, giving anyone a clear view of their true feelings rather they express them by saying them or not. There's a control that comes along with people seeing how you feel but not actually knowing. It gives room for surprise...which we all kind of have a soft spot for.

Cory isn't here for disillusionment or merriment like the rest of us mostly are. Cory set himself a life sentence to keep his sister alive as long as he possibly could. Even in health, he'd have to continue to serve that time which he readily will do. Cory did ask for any of this as Eric, Blake, Nathan, Willy and I did. He was somewhat forced between a rock and a hard place, being shoved into a corner to make a rash decision on how to make it financially possible for his sister to undergo treatments.

I wonder if Cory sees us as true lunatics.

There's no way he doesn't given that he was forced to some degree to be here. We all chose this. Although his skills are remarkable...maybe he's just seasoned in being a cold blooded murderer. Cory is one big question mark that everyone just ignores, not sure if there's much to even know about Cory at all.

"Your pacing is making me nervous." Cory informs me, giving me a once over as he rests his elbows on the wooden desk railing, leaning forward on it. "Sit down, Rosie."

While sharing more unpleasant thoughts of Eric under my breath, I drop down into the porch swing, letting it swing me a couple times before slowing all the way down. "Your don't have any option on this?" I question. "You're just going to help kill Kale with no hesitations?"

"I'm doing my job, Rosie." Cory states, removing his gaze from me to look out in the dimly lit backyard. "What other option are you delusional enough to think we have?"

Already angry because of Eric, Cory's question doesn't assist in that fading, it only causing my eyes to narrow slightly. "If  you let Blake come out here, he'd shit talk with me instead of doing whatever you're doing."

I can tell he's rolling his eyes even though I can only see his profile.

"I'm reasoning with you, Rosie. Which I can tell a lot of people don't do with you." He says, turning around to lean back against the railing instead of against it. "I've always had a feeling you didn't know what you were really getting yourself into. These last couple of conversations I've had with you have proven this correct."

It's odd. If it was Blake or Eric telling me this, I'd have something smart-ass to throw back. Because it's Cory and how sensitive his reason for being here is...I have to listen.

"It's actually hilarious that you think you always have choices." He continues. "That's one thing you should've already known you would no longer have again when joining us. You decided to kill for someone, Rosie. No matter how much power that gives gives Eric ample control over you."

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