Chapter 28

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“Bedrest?” I cried out. “Are you kidding me?”

“I wish I was, Miss Port, but based on what you’ve told me about your cramping and what I’m seeing on the ultrasound, I don’t see us having much more of a choice.”

Mom was there, like she always was, rubbing my back and trying to comfort me. “It’s okay, Bev. We’ll get you set up for everything you need right within your reach.”

“But what about work?” I looked over at her. “We have so many events coming up, that’s way too much for Jenn to do. We took on more because I was home.”

“We’ll figure it out. Brooke can step up a bit more and Britt can get involved a little more in the events as well. It’ll be okay. There are more important things than work and your baby is one of them.”

I knew she was right, but that didn’t make me feel any better about the situation. After that night at Walker’s, I finally admitted that there was something more to this cramping than the normal ones I read online. Even when I spoke with the nurse, she told me that cramping could be normal and the doctor didn’t want me to worry too much. I was expecting him to just say that I needed to drink more water or it was growing pains. The last thing I expected was hearing my body was on the verge of preterm labor and I needed to be on bed rest.

“So what all can or can’t I do?”

“Personally, I’d like to see you off your feet for most of the day except showering, using the restroom, and stretching your legs here and there.”

“Wow, so really on bed rest? This is going to suck.”

It certainly did suck. In fact, I was two hours into bed rest and I was already over it. Before we even got back home, Dad had already brought a TV up from one of the empty bunkhouses and got it hooked up for me. My mom was already gathering everything that I needed. I had chargers for all my electronics, a case of water bottles nearby, and a variety of blankets if I got hot or cold.

I was grateful for their support, but I didn’t want to be in this situation at all. “Can I get you anything else before I head back downstairs?”

I shook my head, “No, Mom, I’m good. Thank you.”

She kissed me on the top of my head and smiled, “I’ll be back in a few hours with some lunch for you. Call or text if you need anything.”

“I will.”

As my mom exited the room, my dad entered. “Mind if I take a seat, baby girl?”

“Go ahead,” I grumbled. “Sorry if I’m not in a huge chatting mood.”

“I understand. I wanted to talk with you about something, you don’t need to do much talking, maybe just some listening.”

“Sure, what’s up, Daddy?”

“This whole baby thing has kind of thrown me for a loop and I’ve been trying to figure out what I can do as your dad to help out. I know we haven’t talked about it, but Mom said that you figured you’d just keep the baby here in your room?”

“At least for now. I know we have Britt and Brielle’s old rooms, I’m sure they’d give them up for their niece or nephew.”

“I’m sure they would too,” he smiled, “but you’re a young woman, Bev and I’m not sure how long you’re going to want to live at home,” he replied using finger quotes for at home. He meant in the home, considering that Britt and Brielle moved out of the house, but still live on the property.

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