Chapter 8

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“Wow, Brielle, this place looks stunning.”

My sister looped her arm in mine and started pulling me toward her newly built home, “This is nothing, Bev, wait until you see the inside!”

After crying in my mom’s arms last night, I decided that today was going to be the start of the rest of my life. That didn’t stop the calls and texts from Charlie. I didn’t read or answer the calls, just deleted everything he sent me. I would deal with him when I was ready, today was not that day.

I had a bit of, okay way more than a bit of, a hangover when I woke up this morning. I drank about three-fourths of the bottle of wine last night, and though it did nothing to ease the pain in my heart, I did pass out in bed and not wake up until the sun was lighting up my room. After nursing my hangover, Brielle convinced me to come to check out the home she had built on the property.

At Christmas time, when Mitch proposed with a ring and a house. He went all out, putting men all over the world to shame. It has always been Brielle’s dream to build a house down by the lake on our property and he put those wheels into motion. Mitch hired an architect and had basic plans that were drawn up and everything. He even asked my dad if he’d be willing to sell a parcel of the land to them to build the home and of course, he agreed. 

She must have known that I wanted to leave Chicago behind because, after breakfast, Brielle told me to change into riding clothes so we could take a ride down to the construction site. She kept me up to date on the progress with pictures, but I was surprised when we pulled up to an almost fully constructed home. They even started with the landscaping.

“I can’t wait to see what it looks like on the inside!”

“It’s beautiful, Bev. They still have a lot of things to do inside, but the kitchen and all the bathrooms are completed.”

We stopped by a tent just off the front door and grabbed two bright yellow hard hats. It wasn’t my color, but safety first. My jaw dropped when we walked inside. Even with a lot of things incomplete, it is clear that this home is going to be grand. What is even better is the smile donning my sister’s face. She’s so happy in love and I can’t help but be happy for her as well.

“So I get to move in here with you, right?” I teased my sister.

“You know truth be told I wouldn’t care if you did. There will be a bedroom and bathroom in the basement if that would give you the privacy that you won’t get at the big house.”

“I was just kidding.”

“I know,” she shrugs, “but I also know what it is like to be a grown-ass adult living in your childhood bedroom.”

“Did you give Brooke the same invite?”

“Are you kidding?” Brielle scoffs. “Brooke loves living at home. Spoiled little girl.”

“Do you expect her to cook her own meals or something? She’s got more important things to do than that.”

“Do you think she’s ever going to settle down?”

I frown, “I wouldn’t recommend it if I’m being honest.”

Brielle frowned back after realizing her mistake. “Shit, I’m sorry babe, I didn’t even think about what I was saying.”

“It’s okay. Don’t feel like you need to handle with me kid gloves, BB. I’ll be alright. You and Mitch are happy and I love that for the two of you. Things just didn’t work out for me.”

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