4. LIE

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I am incredibly nervous. I'm still in my dressing room, checking my outfit for what feels like the hundredth time. I've been invited to Graham's show to talk about my new film. The only problem is that my ex-girlfriend will also be there. We've known each other for a while, but we only became a couple on set. The media went wild and didn't calm down. That's supposedly why she broke up with me, but I know the real reason. It would be a lie to say I don't love her anymore because I still do.

"Miss Lee? Are you ready?" I nod in response, take a deep breath, and follow the woman. She indicates for me to wait, so I stand still for now.

"Please welcome, Kaydi Lee!" Graham calls out. The audience claps loudly, and I get the signal to go. I walk up to Graham and hug him before heading towards the sofa. Apparently, I'm the last to arrive. I wave briefly to the audience and hug everyone already there. When I reach the last person sitting at the front, I hesitate for a moment. It's an awkward situation. To avoid making it worse, I give her a quick hug and then sit next to her.

We get asked a few questions, but mostly Peter, since he's the director. Occasionally, some questions come my way or to the others about our roles, but we mostly sit there quietly.

"So, now to a topic that might interest many. Helena Bonham Carter and Kaydi Lee. How did your relationship end, and what was it like continuing to play a couple in love on set?" I quickly grab my glass as he speaks, so Helena has to start. At that moment, I feel so bad. How could I have thought coming here was a good idea?

"I'd prefer to leave out the reason." I smirk ironically. Of course, she's keeping it secret. She doesn't want everyone to know she didn't end things the right way. She notices my grin but makes no move to comment on it. The funny part is, at the beginning, she was terrified I'd cheat on her like her ex did, and then she's the one who does it, with her new boyfriend.

"Anyway... It was strange because we broke up but didn't make it public-"

"We had an argument about something and decided to take a break, but it would have gone public, and we both didn't want that. We didn't want to take a break in public because that would have led to too much media speculation, and they would have used it to create and spread rumors. However, it didn't get better, and it took too much effort to pretend everything was fine, so we ended it publicly. With the thought of no comeback." She's making it sound like it was a mutual decision.

"Can we know the reason, Kaydi? Or rather... was there a third person?" Graham looks between me and Helena. Of course, there was a third person, and I'd love to say it, but I still love her...

"Yes, there was..." she finally says. Our film colleagues look at us in shock, but mainly at me.

"I didn't know the third person, I didn't leave, and I stuck to our agreements," I clarify. There's an uncomfortable silence in the studio. The crew cuts the interview short, and I head to my dressing room as quickly as possible. I don't want to see her anymore...

Hellie x female reader (one shot) (English)Where stories live. Discover now