16. she hugged him

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Chapter continues.....

It's night time

Neil is still sitting at the same table in Avni's cafe where he has been sitting since he came here.

When he says that he will wait for her, for her hugs and kisses, then without understanding anything how to fullfill his wishes, Avni goes to the kitchen of her cafe without saying anything to him, and then going into the kitchen, she again starts helping her other workers in preparing the customer's orders.

But at the same time, Avni keeps looking at him secretly to see if he has gone back or not and when she does not see him going anywhere, she understands that this stubborn man is serious about all that things.

But seeing him sitting alone and watching the time pass, Avni was sending coffee or something else for Neil on his table from time to time.
Because no matter what the reason, she can't stop caring about him.

All this sulking and coaxing happens in a relationship, but we should care for each other, we should not forget that, and that is why out of concern for him she is sending things for him so that he does not remain empty stomach for a long time.

And now especially she can't stop caring about him, when he has made a special place in her heart. Yes, he has made a special place for himself in her heart, and she accepts that and she also knows that she doesn't need to tell this to everyone, she knows what he is becoming to her and that is enough.

And there, Neil was also accepting the things sent by her without any fuss because as soon as he drinks the coffee he knows from its taste that Avni has made it, so now how can he refuse things made by his wife.

And then in this stubbornness of both, where neither he is ready to go back nor she is ready to fulfill his desire, afternoon turns into evening and evening turns into night.

The cafe starts to empty out, and it's time for the cafe to close. It's around 10 pm now.

But in between all this time if someone realises something then it is Avni, Seeing Neil's patience, she starts thinking whether she is so special that someone would spend his whole day waiting for her like this.

What difference would it make to Neil whether he gets her forgiveness or not.
No one in her life ever gave her so much importance that her being angry would make a difference to anyone.

If she is angry then why is Neil trying to pacify her for the last 2 days?
Does it really matter to him so much that he left all his work and started following her just for her forgiveness?

Thinking all this, a light smile comes on her face when she remembers his antics, how he follow her, sometimes he was apologizing to her in the room.

And after all he has done, is she so selfish and cruel that she cannot do such a small thing for him, cannot forgive him and hug him.
Yes she is hesitant but she can do it if she tries.

A hate-love arranged marriage.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن