☆15/ Power

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Author's Pov

In the dim sound of the crowd in a lavish cafe, two power demanding aura sitting across each other.

One was having a hard time to hide the desire of killing the person sitting in front of her, who was wickedly smirking at her for ruining her peace and messing up at her house, telling she's in love with him.

And on other hand Karnish watched her closely, his gaze piercing as he studied the conflict raging within her.

His lips twitched with smirk, knowing he has succeeded in pushing her to the extent where no one can stop her from being his.

He has fueled enough rage in her especially after telling her dad that they love each other and drag her with him to the cafe.

Which is obviously part of his plan.

Ihita tilted her head with a blank expression "Now speak, why the fuck you dragged me at this goddamn place?" Her soothing voice, breaking through the chaotic storm of his thoughts.

He wickedly smiled, knowing very well that she doesn't like beating around the bushes, either too straightforward or don't even glance.

"What do you want, Rose?" This name was enough to make goosebumps erupted all over her body. But she maintains her cold aura.

She knows what he is talking about. It's about the alliance she has to tie unwillingly.

"Are you incapable enough of finding it on your own or are you trying to command me? Which is next to impossible." Her mocking tone with sinister smile didn't leave her enchanting face which ached Karnish's palm to feather her.

He looked outside the transparent glasses with a smile only to look back at her with his psychopathically darkened eyes and tilted his head only to retort her back. "Ihita Rajveen, a strong, smart and most powerful woman of businessworld who never lowered her head in front of anybody, not even in front of god itself, is now so easily convinced to marry a man she hates. Isn't that fishy?"

He asked innocently because he knows that this lady can do anything but never let anything happen without her will.

She clasped her hand in the air shyly "Oh come on,Mr. Rajnandan please stop this. I'm used to all these compliments. Say something I don't know." Her sudden change in her tone, in her aura from sweet to malicious, sends shivers down to his spine, which somewhere impressed him.

Because no one in this world could make him go all insane in the matter of a few meets but this lady.

"Jairat Bagchi" She cocks her perfectly shaped brow.

"He was kidnapped by you, wasn't he?" Her knuckles tightened, clenched her jaw and the thought of Karnish knowing everything about Bagchi's death scandal made her blood boil.

Karnish leaned backwards on a chair he was sitting with a winning smirk after poking her "Now do you still want to make me repeat my words? Hmm?" His challenging tone didn't go unnoticed by her.

Ihita knows that Bagchi is now dead mysteriously and Karnish can use this information as a weapon against her, knowing that she was the one who created his death scandal and kidnapped him.

She stands up from her chair and walks towards him while maintaining her deadly glares with him. And bend down to his level, keeping her one hand on the table until their faces were just inches apart, making their breath touch each other's skin cells.

His heart slowed fraction of a beat, eyes dilated looking deep into her honey orbs and rose scent filled his nostrils which often makes him go insane.

Tiny crackles of electricity hummed to life beneath the weight of her gaze, and it took him every ounce of willpower to shake off the strange sensation.

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