☆13/ The Sinister Dance

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Ihita Pov

I stepped out of his cabin and moved towards the elevator. With each stride, the clicks of my heels against the polished floor reverberated through the silent corridors, a symphony of difficulty that echoed my inner turmoil.

My blood was burning like a molten lava for the warning that the bastard had given me. How could he? I thought he's only seeing what I showed him but he was smarter than I thought.

He knows who I am and what I went to him for. But he put a condition. Fuck him.

You will regret your own decision Rajnandan.

I had never thought that my life, my plan would take this unexpected turn. The person whose presence I always despised all these years is the only one whom I have to marry.

But still I was satisfied with the situation I have created, didn't I?

No or maybe perhaps yes.

The only thing I know is that if I walk on this path there's no turning back. I have to keep my family, especially my sister, from that Daiwik.

I know I'm walking on a dangerous path- one fraught with peril and uncertainty. But I refused to be cowed by shadows that lurk around me, refused to let my fear dedicate my actions in the face of my enemies.

I reached the elevator, as soon as it opened my anger spiked looking at the person standing keeping his hands in pocket. Fucking Mittal.

Ohh god!! Why did you have to give all the masterpieces in my life?

He smirked. Fuck him and his smirk. I don't have time to deal with him.

"Well you here?" He says

"Your best friend had some personal work with me." I said extracting the word 'personal' deliberately and saw his smirk falling. Now it's my turn to smirk.

He moved out of the lift without saying anything but I said which made him turn.

"Next time if I see you near Ahana again then it won't take me a time to burn you alive."

He smirked and said. "Trust me Miss.Rajveen when I say you won't be able to get your sister out of my cage if I see her again. And I don't bluff."

I did not waste my time to give him good news which definitely won't be digested by him. "Trust me Mr. Mittal when I say you won't be able to do anything when you get good news from your best friend. And I don't bluff."

I smirked and left from there. My satisfaction level was something else today.

As soon as I stepped out of the building, I turned around and my gaze was fixed upon the towering edifice behind me, a monolith of concrete and that bore silent witness to the machinations of power and intrigue.

With each step backward, my heels clicked against the pavement, a rhythmic accompaniment to the silent symphony of my conquest.

The sinister smirk graced my lips, speaking volumes of the victory I had just secured within those imposing walls. It was a smirk born of calculated manipulation and unyielding resolve, a testament to my mastery of the game that unfolded in the shadows.

My back hit my car standing at the entrance. For the last time I glanced at the building and murmurs. "I'm coming."

And slipped into the car and drove away leaving behind only the echo of my presence and the lingering promise of my inevitable return.


Karnish Pov

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