Bold Behavior

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The second Lauren entered the room, Pumpkin walked up to her and brushed against her leg. "Pumpkin." Evangeline warned and the cat backed away, meowing angrily. "Sorry about that. She's very welcoming towards guests." Kieran laughed under his breath not stopping, despite a glare from Lauren.

The not worried Kieran was worrying Evangeline but it wasn't too hard to do that. Lauren seemed surprised as well for she too expected more seriousness from him and definitely not him helping Evangeline with cooking the food. She would need to ask him what was up later.

Evangeline knew he wasn't drunk so it was kind of concerning but she tried to ignore it. "Have a seat" she said pointing towards the desk and Lauren had a look around the room before sitting down. Evangeline walked over to pick up the food and keep it on the dining table while Kieran also sat down. Pumpkin followed her like usual.

After finally keeping the soup and salad on the dining table, Evangeline joined them and was ready to serve food when she saw the look on Lauren's face. She laughed nervously, and kept the spoon down.

"Umm okay, so I know this isn't what you came for but I thought it would be rude if I didn't at least serve food this late in the night because I know you," she pointed towards Lauren, "have a habit of not eating your food on time. Especially when stressed." She stopped talking and then remembered that she forgot to say something. "Also the foods not poisoned, I know you're worried."

That seemed to ease Lauren slightly. Kieran took a bit of the salad to start eating and Lauren followed, less hesitant. Evangeline took a bit of the soup and started with that. They ate in silence until Evangeline finished her soup and started talking. "Alright, I know you might think that I'm part of the Phantom Scythe and you won't be wrong, but I wasn't exactly given a choice. You however, can choose to believe whether what I'm saying is a lie or not." She started.

Pumpkin jumped in her lamp and subconsciously, she started petting him. "I was at Train station at the time of ATST and I was picked along with 2-3 other kids. They took us and placed us with an Apostle, two children with one. We... weren't exactly treated the best there. And then one day when I had turned 16, they took me and I was to start work under apostle VII,"

"I was assigned to mission and when I tried to refuse... Well, I think you have an idea by now. The Apostle I'm under isn't exactly a gentleman either. I know his identity but I need to gather evidence for it and for that reason I won't be telling you." She stopped talking and realized she had been staring at Pumpkin so she stopped and looked up. She saw Lauren's eyes soften slightly and didn't look at Kieran.

"That's my full story and I understand if-"

"I- we believe you." Lauren said looking over at Kieran.

"I- wha- really?" Evangeline didn't understand how she believed her so quickly but she was relieved. "I'm sorry for not telling you before but I couldn't have because I didn't know how you would've reacted." Lauren nodded and smiled sincerely.

"Since you've told us this, I think it's best you know something." Lauren said and it piqued Evangelines interest. Lauren looked at Kieran who seemed to understand and nodded, "You know how you used to joke about no one being able to lie when I'm around?" Evangeline nodded and remembered all the times that Lauren was able to inhumanely tell when someone was lying.

"I'm sorta like a lie detector meaning I can hear when people lie." She stopped talking and Evangeline thought about everything and wasn't too surprised. "That makes sense honestly." Evangeline said and Lauren smiled at her. Kieran however was busy in his own thoughts before finally turning to her, presumably to ask her something.

"Can I ask you something?" Kieran asked.

"Go ahead" she responded.


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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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