Eventful Encounter

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"Alright then, what is it?" She sighed for what seemed to be the hundredth time.

"Alright, Gods you're no fun." He pointed at me before continuing, "He has a target for you, you're supposed to work with me to kill some rich guy. I'll send the profile over to your house, remember to bring your memento." He smiled happy to remember all of that, Evangeline would be proud too if it wasn't for the fact that she had just been told she would have to kill some guy.

She pinched the bridge of her nose before finally withdrawing the gun away. Looking up, she thought for a moment and nodded as he gave his signature blinding smile.


She heard footsteps heading towards the tent so she stepped away from Aarick. She didn't need to look back to know he had left so she headed out opening the tent. She saw Kym looking proud of herself standing next to Will who was heading towards the entrance of the tent.

Will sighed "She's fine," he said to Kym directing the next part towards Evangeline "You know you could tell us when you leave" He sounded angry but rightfully so. It *was* her fault and she should've told him. "I'm sorry, I thought I saw someone go into the tent."

He nodded at that and looked behind her to check that no one was there. After seeing that it was empty, he moved his attention to Kym who had noticed Evangeline was safe and had somehow gone and gotten three slices of watermelon.

She raised the watermelons in victory when she saw Will and Evangeline looking back at her and started walking towards her. "She's certainly a character, isn't she?" Will said and Evans snorted at that statement. He turned towards her "What?" He said defensively.

"Not the first time I've heard that today." She scoffed jokingly.

"Who was the first person to say that?"

"You'd be surprised."

"Not if you tell me." She opened her mouth but closed it once like a fish breathing. "Alright, when I was getting my file, I had a chat with Kieran the new archivist" She heard a laugh and glared at Will. "What? I nev-" He was interrupted by the blue haired sergeant.

"I shot bullseye there" She exclaimed happily, pointing towards the dart board with a Watermelon. Evangeline smiled, "Good job Kym!" She said and looked towards the circus members. One of them was talking to the crowd while one was performing stunts in the back. The one on stage was calling people forward to try their hands at bow shooting. Kym and Will looked at each other for a second and Kym smirked.

"Who would like to have a go with the bow to prove that they can indeed shoot, or perhaps just for fun?" The girl with the bow called out as a final call. Kym took a deep breath in "MY FRIEND WILL DO IT" She shouted, seemingly loud enough to be heard all the way in Ravka. Evangeline looked at Kym and nodded thinking she was pointing towards Will.

She realised Kym was pointing to her and her eyes widened. "Which friend? This friend?! Kym, I will not be doing-" Evangeline was interrupted by Kym pushing her to the front. It seemed like she had a habit of interrupting people. The girl laughed and pulled Evangeline on stage. "We have another willing to try, also from your police force," The girl said and Evangeline might've looked unsure because she quietly added "C'mon, You can do it, for me?"

Evangeline felt heat slightly rising to her cheeks so she looked away and coughed before taking the bow from the girls hand and the arrow.

She inserted the arrow into the spot that was set for it and raised it slightly above the shoulder level. With her left palm, she pushed the bow-hold forward. On her right hand, which rested on the string, she kept one finger above the arrow and two below. She turned her left hands elbow inwards so she didn't hurt herself and took the stance. Finally she pulled the string to her face, resting the thumb of her right hand under her chin. She counted to three and let it go.

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