Kayla and flash friend date / getting back togehter

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Kayla's pov
Today I'm going on my friend date with flash, I'm so nervous it's a joke, I know we broke up,five years ago but i still liv him. I can't help how I fell. I,think it's great that we've managed to maintain a good friendship since the breakup,but today will be the first time we've spent one on one time since the breakup. Rhyme and Quinn are coming over to help me.get ready. Ellie and Astrid wished me luck but they are busy today which is fine. I know I'm slightly older than flash, but he's turning 20 next month, I've already got him a few things. Rhyme and Quinn come in and rhyme says " come on kayla calm down and just be yourself the kayla that flash is still clearly in love with". They pick out a dress and do my hair and makeup. Quinn says " you look stunning, now go on the dat and get you're man back you clearly want him back". They know me to well, we're not doing to much, we're going for lunch at juniors a,d the. Playing minigolf, we are going back to mine after it, mums fine with it,she's away but she's fine with him staying over when he wants to.

Flash's pov
My parents have been really difficult recently,they kicked me.out this morning. I go to,Kayla's and she answers the door . She says " mom said you can stay anytime I'm sure she'd be fine,if you,move in as long as you help". I really appreciate kayla and her mom for letting me. I put my bags in the spare room.and,we got to juniors a,d kayla says " you don't have to explain to me ". We have a great day, I really sis miss her,I was an idiot for hurting her the way I did. Later we're back at home. I look at kayla and say " it started about a year ago, they just changed so quickly and told me I was an embarrassment to the family, I apologise but today they had enough and kicked me out". Kayla and says "flash im so sorry, you don't deserve that, 8 know this might not be the best timing but I still,love you". I say " kayla I never stoped,loving you if you want to,get back together then I'm.more than happy to do t that,kayla sharp will you give me one last chance" . She looks at me and says " of course I will, now I think mom.won't mind if we shared a bed,we're both of age, when we want,to do it we can but,I think,for tonight I just want to cuddle and kiss if that's okay with you". I say " it's more than okay kayla". We both lean I , I'm so happy she gave me a thired chance.

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