Walker and harmony walker opens up to harmony about how his parents abuse him

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Walkers pov
My parents have been abusing me really badly, ohysicaly and emotionally. It's taking it's toll on my relationship with harms, I haven't told anyone because I'm scared and embaresed, I've let it get to this point. I could've told Ty but they told me he wouldn't believe me. Dad look at me and says " have a shit day with your friends son, I dint know why you still go it's not like you're going to do anything with yourself or achieve anything, harmony is the only thing you have and even she's getting tired of you". I'm used to this,it started when Ty left for,college,,now he lives with Luna, they visit us but it's not like it used to be. I go to the park and eggie looks at me a,d says  " walker my guy how,you,doing,  have you got,an excuse for,why you weren't with us last night". I say" sorry man, my parents didn't let me go out it's hard for me right now". He,says," that's,bulshit,you just,made.that up, you're parents are nice". I pin him to the grass ,and say " you have no idea what there like when then there with me,so dint just make,assumptions when I'm telling you the truth ".

Harmony's pov
I got up to walker and put a comforting hand on his shoulder and say" come on, back to mine, you need to,tell me evreything ". He lets,go of eggie,a,d,follows me. We get back and go int9 my,room and say " what's going on". He says " it's my parents, they've been abusing me verbally and ohysicaly since Ty left, Ty is the perfect child and I've tried to do what I can to be like,him but it's not good enough for them". He breaks down. I hug him give him a kiss and say " thank you for telling me, you need to call, Ty I'll be with you*. He calls Ty and Ty says heel get his stuff form his parents, he can't stay but he can't stay with him and Luna. We chill for the day and Me and rhyme speak to my mum she says " no funny buisness at least not until you're 16 but he can stay with us". I cal. Ty and he drops walkers stuff round. I go back into my room, walker looks surprised I smile and say " mum said you can stay with us, a few rules but the main one is no funny buisness until I'm at least 16". He picks me up spins me around and says " thank you so much hames, I think I can follow the rules, they aren't that bad". I kiss him and say " walks, im here for you anytime you,want to talk,to me,even if it's two in the morning just wake me up,,im your,girlfirend,and it's my job to make sure you're okay".

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