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Avni's pov-

I was crying when rudra came to me and asked mee what happened....then I told him
"Few years back when I was 23 I had a relationship which was going smoothly..we had completed 1 year of togetherness so we went to club to celebrate it with our friends...and I don't know who spiked our and my ex went to my that time I used to live alone and I don't know we ended up getting sex....I felt it's okkyyyy.. after that nothing changed we both were still in touch we both were behaving normal like nothing has happened..One day he told me that he has to go on a trip to US for a month I was like it's okay you can go...when he went I started feeling nauseous and my health was not god so I went to my friend Mansi who is a doctor..she took some test and told me I was pregnant...I was confused what to do I thought to call him and tell him but I wanted to suprise him when he would come me I was veryy happy.....time passed I was 1.5 months pregnant and was enjoying it though...when I got the news he is coming back to India..I was on cloud nine
..i went to his house only to find him naked in bed with another girl in his room..."
I saw Rudra's jaw clenched but I continued
"I felt betrayal...I was shattered...I was carrying his child and there he was having fun...and then I mentally made up my mind not to tell him about pregnency and ran from his room but my leg slipped and I fell off and got unconscious when I opened my eyes ..I was in the hospital...Mansi was sitting beside me and the very first thing I asked to Mansi was..How is my child? which she said calm down we will talk about it later. She was testing my patience... Answer me dammit how is my child? To which se said...avu listen you had a miscarriage ... I felt that my hope to live was dead and then suddenly that basterd barged in the room showing his fake concern how am I ... what which I replied get out you I don't wanna se you face in my life just leave...he didn't asked for forgiveness he just left...after discharge I went to my home ...I was behaving like a lifeless creature...but my friends encouraged me I moved on from it and it took me a whole 2 years... And my friends thought I had move on but the truth is I haven't I still get nightmares about how I killed my baby..." I can't speak moreee and started crying.....and
Rudra hugged me and said to me
" shhh mera bachaa don't cryyy I am with you you are not the murderer baby you are the strongest woman I have seen.. you know  you baby is with you and seeing you..don't cryyy I am with you ..have you sate your food " I nodded in denial..he got up and made his way to kitchen I followed him there too he made me food and said " I know it was hard for you to go through this all I am so sorry I wasn't there for you but trust me I will be there with you from now" such a sweetheart he is...
I replied" no don't be sorry and please don't tell anyone only Mansi and Isha my friends know about it"...he said .. no I won't come lets have food"...while eating food he made all the efforts to cheer me up...and he actually made me feel happy...soon my parents were home..and they saw rudra and he wished them and said good bye to meee..

At night

I was in my room when I saw the ultrasound pics of my baby on the table.. though I felt sad but with a courage I took them and kept in my almirah and my eyes became teary..and suddenly I got a call from Rudra and I felt a sudden happiness...he asked me if I was okay or not and had dinner and we talked a bit and I slept while he was on phone

Author's note

Rudra's pov will be coming in next part till then stay tuned

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