Back in the sea.

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JBPD watched as a shell hit the stern of his cruiser, killing two sailors, and moderately damaging the area. It seems like alarming the enemy battery was a bad idea after all, he thought, but it was too late. He hurried down the ladder of the conning tower, rushing into the bridge to move the ship out of the shore. He cranked the lever to full speed, and steered to starboard side carefully. Noticing the bow's main gun kept on firing, he ran out of the bridge just to pat the sailor operating it, ordering them to stop. JBPD looked back, seeing 10é had already left the beach. Spotting the glimpse of the banner fluttering, he raised his bicorne, as a salute, in the midst of their bombardment. He never knew whether or not 10é saluted back.

"Sir." A female sailor went up to him, whilst holding a shell in her cradle. JBPD turned to her, responding.
"Our escorting destroyer has left, fighting a gunboat over there. And it seems like more ships are coming." She said in a stern voice, clearly concerned.
"Alright..." JBPD considered his words first. If he joined in the battle, he risked his ship and crew being struck badly by the enemy ships outnumbering them. But if he left the allied destroyer alone, the red's dominance in the sea would ultimately look lame. He looked on again, stepping forward the bow, before inching his head to the sailor.
"How many ships do you think are arriving?"
"Around four, sir."
"What are their classes?"
"Two torpedo boats, one destroyer, one battleship."
"And is our allied destroyer winning?"
"Sort of." She replied, as JBPD looked into his binoculars just to assess the situation.
"Well." He announced, letting his binoculars hang free from his neck,
"We'll go for it."

JBPD rushed back into the bridge, now announcing to the ship's crew via GUI:
"¡ATTENTION! To your battle stations! We are facing a gunboat! Not just a gunboat, expect more enemy ships to arrive!"
The sailors scurried across the deck, sitting onto whatever guns they could find. The 234 mm main guns being occupied already, and half of the 12 152 mm guns now held, with only a few operating the 76 mm guns. The cruiser began to sail faster, at full speed ahead.
After a short while, the bow gun fired. It missed by a few meters off the enemy gunboat, but it was enough to alarm the crew aboard it to direct their aim at them. JBPD turned the steering wheel as fast as he could, making the ship turn to starboard, the portside facing the enemy. Screaming into the announcement GUI, he commanded;

Three 152 mm guns and the stern's 234 fired off, only two shells hitting the target around 800 meters away. One 152 mm armoured piercing shell hit the gunboat's belt, while another 152 mm hit one of the funnels, completely destroying it. The gunboat fired back, only a single shell hitting the cruiser's belt, although it did not cause much damage. The destroyer followed, sending a torpedo to the gunboat’s port, ultimately sinking it.
JBPD went out of the bridge, celebrating with his sailors for a short while. He cocked his head to the side whilst the sailors cheered near him, seeing the impending doom that was the reinforcing enemy fleet.
“Back to your guns!” He shouted, as the sailors dispersed. Two loud shots rang out from the distance. The enemy battleship, anchored at a single position, had fired at them from 900 meters away. A shot missed, while the other landed directly onto the stern’s main gun, destroying it. Assessing the situation, JBPD steered his ship away. He had underestimated the enemy reinforcements beforehand, and recieved the proper results.

He sailed his cruiser away, always turning to the side to allow the secondary armaments to fire at any intercepting vessel. One of the torpedo boats from the enemy reinforcements had chased them down, but fortunately, JBPD had succefully led his ship away safely, even damaging the torpedo boat to the point where it had to pull out of the chase.
The sun slowly rolled down from the sky, as the dim night crept through, stars alike starting to shine. A naval battle from miles upon miles away could be seen, the flashes of their guns twinkling as the surroundings darkened. And minutes after, one side had one, though nobody knew whether it was friendly or foe. JBPD ordered most of his sailors to repair any damaged parts, while the ship sailed slow, covered by the darkness of the night. He sat back near the stern gun, an oil lamp on his side while he watched the repairs slowly fix the gun back to operability.
“Do ten swings of using the searchlight, please.” He said, leaning his head over a nearby sailor. The sailor nodded, before heading to the open top of the bridge. JBPD expected nothing to be seen within their areas, because they were on a low-traffic part of the sea. But he still ordered the searchlight patrol, in case a submarine was following them. And soon enough, the bell was rung.
JBPD jumped from his seat, following the many other sailors that ran to the front deck.
“That’s a dinghy there!” JBPD overheard a sailor, who pulled out their carbine. He rushed to the side, and confirmed that there was indeed a lone dinghy, unmoving.
“Everyone! Unsling your guns, just in case!” He ordered his sailors, raising a hand. JBPD looked closely, and saw that the dinghy had a flag draped over its bow and extending to the middle. It wasn’t just any normal flag—it was the flag of the 102nd regiment, from the British army.
Intrigued, he ordered a sailor to quickly halt their cruiser, while the other sailors descended down from the lower decks, waiting at the outside stairs the stern had. When the dinghy had gotten close, a sailor pulled it in with a hook, and others assisted him, until they were able to fully tow the dinghy from behind. JBPD watched from the upper deck, and ordered a sailor to unfold the flag. Carefully, the sailor peeled the flag away, and saw the blocky boot of a person. Unfolding more, it was revealed to be a sleeping soldier.
A full red coat, sporting a Slade-Wallace equipment rig, the east kent regiment black pith mounted on his head, and a Webley british bulldog lying near the man was what the sailor found. It was a british soldier.
“Pull him in!” Shouted JBPD, leaning closer from the railings. The sailor did so, carrying the man by the chest, before a few others assisted him in carrying the man into the lower decks.

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