The gateway.

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The usual chatter filled the air within the cold barracks of the 10éme regiment. It was a sizable room, and could fit a couple hundred inside. But for now, only seventeen people were there, a group huddled on a corner, seeking warmth from the coldness of the airconditioner that came within the discord server.
In that group sat a pink-haired guy, his arms resting on the walls of the room. He listened on a conversation of the people nearby him, taking in all that chatter and banter about random things, and comments on other robloxian games. He regularly responded with his own opinions when he was familiar with the subjects, laughing with other’s jokes. This person is Prince. Prince Garry Delta, being his full name, but he is often called prince. Just a simple conscrit, a chasseur, sitting amongst soldats and caporals.

After a while, it came to the subject of new roblox games. One of them, a lively and humorous soldat named Danish, started speaking about a game he had found on “The edges” of Robloxia. He described it as this, moving his hands in motion to assist his description:
“So uh, it was a combat game. Very much looked like waterloo at home, although it had a weird title.”

Prince, and a few non-distracted people, listened in, intrigued.

“What, napoleonic war grand battle at home?” A soldat muttered, as a jest. Danish scoffed, but continued on his description.
“Na, nah. Some sort of greek alphabet on it. I forgot the exact letterings so i'll copy paste it…”
Danish reached into his pocket, pulling out his chrome tabs. He then landed on the game, and first processed it through google translate. He then read it aloud,
“Turn of the century.”, while showing everyone the original title—Γύρισμα του αιώνα.

Prince looked closely. The game only had one image, that being an outline of a rifle. Being curious, he decided on playing it.
“What was it like?” he asked, taking his tall hat up.
“The mechanics are similar to waterloo at home. But the weapons are different. I think like 1900s.” Danish responded, looking back at his tab.
“I played only for a few minutes to test out the guns, and left afterwards to sleep.”
“Why not play it again?” Prince interjected.
“Sure.” Danish nodded, along with a few other users.

They all slowly stood up, straightening their dazzling dark blue uniforms, and the soldats fixing their green epaulettes into proper position. They didn’t bring their charleville muskets with them though, it wouldn’t serve well in a battlefield set in the 1900s. Danish threw his roblox game tab to the floor, and it swiftly became a green door, the knob being a play button. As Danish was about to open it, Prince came forward and opened it instead for him, much to Danish’s liking. The group then entered inside, one by one.

What Prince first saw was a pitch-black void. Nothing but a menu in front of him. The menu presented to him a list of classes in the game, similar to Waterloo at home's, except with some difference. There were:

Distinguished officer, which appeared to be locked away
And artillery.

He chose cavalry. The thought of cavalry warfare in the 1900s was quite strange to him. After that, the menu changed into a character customization. There he was, standing in a wardrobe made out of white lines. He could turn his napoleonic uniform into something else, but he decided to just keep it in that way. On the other side of the wardrobe was the equipment. He had two things he carried: A revolver, and a sabre. His revolver was a Colt single action army, straight out of the wild west. Knowing the terrific reload of this firearm, he chose another model. He was presented with only 2 other revolvers of the game, a Modelè 1892, and a Webley Mk. IV. Below the revolvers was a button, saying “carbines.”
He chose the carbine section, and it indeed had carbines in it, but only two models. One was an austro-hungarian Model 1890 Mannlicher, the other was the cavalry version of the italian Carcano M1891. He chose the Carcano, as it had a foldable bayonet. If a sabre wasn’t enough, then he thought a bayonet could do just fine if he got too close.
There was also a choosing menu for the melee weapon, although it was only the cavalry sabre for now that was available. After all, the game was new. Finishing his setup, he found himself on one last menu. Choosing either the red team, or the blue. He went for red, thinking the others might’ve joined it too.
Soon, he found himself in third person scanning through flagpoles, just like forts in Waterloo at home. On a certain flag named “Fort Garrett” was where he found Danish and the 4 other 10e members in, standing there as if waiting for him. He spawned in, his feet dropping to the cobble base of the flag. Danish saw him there, coming in with a greeting.
“What class did you pick?”
“Cavalry. Although I don’t see the horse spawn gear. Just the uh, sabre and revolver.” Prince responded, pulling up the weapons he had.
“How about you?”
“Rifleman. I'm testing this japanese rifle out.” Danish replied, un-slinging a rifle from his back.
“Murata type 18. Single shot, but it feels powerful.”
“How about you, gwen?” Prince turned to a soldat in the group. Gwen also showed his rifle to him, that being a Lebel M1886.
“Since some guys spawned on the wrong place, why don’t we find them?” A Caporal Fourrier suggested, while he inspected his carbine.
“Sure.” They nodded.

The place they spawned in appeared to be some kind of a walled outpost. It had the same walls like Waterloo at home, the only difference is that anything could be placed on it now. Inside were tents, and an armoury covered by a tarpaulin. The armoury also had weapon racks, the weapon inside it being Gewehr 98s. As the group exited the team-only gates of the small outpost, they saw trenches dug deeply in front of the walls, possibly as a cavalry deterrence. On top of the walls were a random row of maxim guns, pointed downwards. A sapper, possibly the person that constructed the entire thing, was seen harvesting material from the trees. There were no markers for nearby forts, as they had to navigate only by sight of a red flag flying in the air. Due to this, Danish decided to ask the sapper.
“Excuse me, do you know where the nearest red fort is?”
The sapper replied by pointing his axe west.
Danish thanked him, but as he did, he tripped on a fallen twig, causing him to collapse onto Prince face-to-face. He immediately got up, the two blushing slightly, while the others laughed about it.
After walking through the forest, they soon came out into a wide field. It was grassy, it was large. There was only one road pointing westwards, and that was the only way to get to the nearest place as fast as they could. They began marching, some with rifles slung, some with weapons down, just in case.

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