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"People wanna hurt us just because of what we look like

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"People wanna hurt us just because of what we look like. They wanna wipe us from this earth just because of the color of our skin. It's called white genocide. And we're gonna need people like you to protect our kind."
Homelander glanced at SantaMaria who stepped forward. "Okay, that's enough of that for today. Ryan, the point is everyone is equal and no one deserves to be treated better than anyone else. That's what we heroes want. We want everyone to get along. Right, Stormy? And as you can see, I don't look the same as you guys but I'm never ever going to hurt you. I promise."
"Mhmm-hmm." Homelander nodded in agreement with SantaMaria. "So let's try again…"
Stormfront started screaming all sorts of profanities. "You've gotta be fucking kidding me!"
"I was fucking right!" SantaMaria smirked, looking down at her phone. "You really are a Ku Klux Klan member."

Stormfront Nazi Pictures leaked

"…in New York City concerning Stormfront and alleged Nazi ties. Stormfront may be 100 years old. What's even more incredible, we have authenticated photos showing Stormfront with Nazi High Command. Including Coebbels and Goring. Based on the photos it is no believed that she was the wife of Frederick Vought who was of course the founder of Vought International."

Homelander snapped as Stormfront flew off. Gripping SantaMaria's arm tight enough to bruise. "I fucking told you so." The girl teased.
"Watch who you're talking to or I'll snap your fucking neck."
"I don't think I will anymore, John." SantaMaria smiled. "I think it's time you listened to me for a change and let me go." Homelander's hand left her neck as SantaMaria's eyes glowed an even darker shade of purple than they ever did before. "I'm going to walk out of here with Ryan and you're going to let me."
"You don't ever use those C-List powers on me ever again…" Homelander charged at her. "That worked once but it will never ever…"
"Stop!" She screamed. "Don't take another fucking step…" An alarm sounded. Homelander and Ryan covered their ears but the sound only fueled SantaMaria's powers. "Fly away from us and never come back. Leave me alone, let me go live a real life. Go on. Fly away." And by some miracle Homelander listened to her.

SantaMaria rushed toward Ryan, holding him in her arms. They stayed together curled up on the floor until the door slammed open.
"Oi, it's about time I got you out of your tower, isn't it, Rapunzel?" Butcher smiled at her.
"Mom!" Ryan called, hands still covering his ears. Becca rushed over to Ryan, releasing his tight grip around SantaMaria.

Butcher, however was unsatisfied with the look on the supe girl's face. "What's the matter? You're free."
"Homelander will keep looking for me." SantaMaria said. "I have to get back with him or he'll never stop."

In the distance she heard Homelander screaming for her. The threats coming out of his mouth weren't empty. SantaMaria knew that. She knew he'd always blame her for betraying him and then lock her back up until he could "trust her again."

"Trust me." SantaMaria said, "It's either me or Becca. And we both know who you'd pick."

Becca wasn't convinced. "We have to take her, Billy! You promised you'd help me get her."

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